Easter Ideas

Happy Easter! Desktop BackgroundSpring has sprung and Easter is less than a week away, so I thought I would share some of our favorite Easter traditions that we like to do at our house…

looking_for_love_in_a_stack_of_booksEaster books at our house: Benjamin’s box is a great little Easter activity you can enjoy with the whole family.  It is the story of the resurrection eggs. One year we decorated paper, numbered eggs, that had little images & we read them along with Benjamin’s box. Here is a link to the eggs to color & you can find the book on Amazon.  Printable eggs: http://teachingheart.net/blog/2011/03/resurrection-eggs-idea-with-printables/

We also have the sweet tale of The Story of the Easter Robin. Another great Easter read.

legend-of-the-sand-dollar-april-wietreckiI also love the book, The Legend of the Sand Dollar, which I accompanied with a wonderful Easter tradition and activity. This year I bought a bunch of actual sand dollars (large and small) and put them in small plastic bag, tied with a ribbon & gave them with the above poem. Its very neat and symbolic. You can find a variety of versions and styles of this poem–just google & find one you like. Make sure you have at least a couple shells, so you can break one & shake out the beautiful white birds that go along with the poem. It is really neat.

Res-Eggs-2014-FUn Easter Activity that has some spirit, Resurrection Eggs–This year we gathered all the cousins around and did the “Resurrection Eggs” by Family Life. I have made my own, did the sweet story of Benjamin’s Box, so I thought I would give the actual kit a try. It was very well done. I had each of the young kids in the family open an egg & then had their parent help them read their part of the story of Christ. It was wonderful to see family gathered around opening eggs that contained a donkey, crown of thorns, nails…and then reading a scripture and part of the meaningful story. It was very sweet.

Doodle-EggsSharpie Eggs—just doodle, had names, add some sharpie colors and have fun doodling. We did this last year and it was so fun to just be creative. You can do them on hard boiled eggs OR I just tried it on plastic eggs & it works too! Just get creative.

eggs11Egg everything—deviled eggs, egg salad sandwiches…the above pic was from sarahscoop.com, which has some good ideas & I love the colored deviled eggs

28e2eb51_imageBright Night Easter Egg Hunt–Last year we did a really fun glow-in-the dark easter egg hunt. You just put glow sticks bent inside the eggs & candy…hide. It was so fun to see glowing eggs all over the yard. The kids LOVED it!!

eastereggsFun Twists on Easter Egg Hunts–I LOVED the idea my Mom did–she put coupons in her eggs that were hidden, so when the kids opened them, they got a “game night” with Grandma & Grandpa, “Ice cream dates”, “Breakfast date”—it was darling & the kids loved it.  We also did an “adult egg hunt” where all the kids hid the eggs & the adults had to find them. That was fun to see all the adults running.  In my “adult eggs” I wrote funny fortunes and great quotes, along with candy. You also definitely have to have a “golden egg” which is the special egg that awards someone either a special prize or a prize of money inside.  My daughter made special eggs for each one of her cousins & she used a label maker to put their names on the outside, so then each kid while they were hunting had to look for their special egg from her. Inside she wrote them a little happy easter note with candy she picked out special for them.

IMG_0395Snowball bunnies & Easter treats–Traditionally we make “Snowball Bunnies” because I did one as a kid, so we continued on the tradition. Along with the snowball bunnies, I found some other cute ideas that we may try this year. So many creative ideas out there. Have fun with it!!1dedfc7006b6e3aa2ee43223b1d71694 rice-krispie-treat-egg-easter-treatsBirds-nest-cupcakes-bettycrockercom

Other fun Easter Ideas that I want to do–

6134_041311_egg_geodes_hdMartha Stewart’s Crystal Egg Geodes look pretty fun and creative

16-EmbroideryBlisstree.com has darling yarn eggs


Who would have thought–pipe cleaners–flower-kids.com did

Funny Riddles you could put in eggs that you hide. Here is a link that has games, but also printable riddles that would be fun to add to easter eggs. Kids love jokes and riddles. Enjoy. http://www.culdesaccool.com/2013/03/13/12-coolest-kid-easter-party-games/

There are lots of cute egg hunt scavenger ideas. Google some & find one that sounds fun.

There is even a cute decoder idea on this blog—scroll down to “How to create you own “Crack the Easter Code” Easter Egg Hunt. Darling idea. https://tkfewless.wordpress.com

Well, I hope these ideas have given you some excitement for the upcoming holiday. Enjoy it with your family, make lots of beautiful memories, eat yummy food, get creative, enjoy the spirit of the holiday. Peace to you. -H