Holiday HOPE for adults

For some reason this year has been a struggle to get into the holiday cheer. My usual excitement and enthusiasm is lagging. It is like I am the slow, color wheel on my computer screen. I keep waiting and waiting to be lit up by the Holiday cheer! My favorite thing so far this year…MERRY EVERYTHING AND HAPPY ALWAYS! That has been my new motto. More than ever I see the vast differences in other people’s holiday celebrations. My daughter’s boyfriend grew up in an Indian household, so for Christmas his mom wanted him to have something fun and somewhat normal so she would put up the tree and give gifts because everyone around them would. Our friends and neighbors are the usual “pick out something off my Amazon wish list, wrap it up & act surprised.” or gift each other the same amount of money each year to buy annual movie tickets to the same theater. WHAT!? Why is it that so much magic gets erased as we age into adults?

At our house the holidays have always been over-the-top gift exchanges, activities, giving, sharing…but for some reason, this year FEELS a bit off. That is NOT like me. I am definitely Miss Santa at our house. I LOVE traditions, wrapping, planning, creating…definitely finding intentional gifts, so what is different this year?

My thoughts and reflections go to—the adult weights or living, dying, money, responsibilities…real life…I am thinking about my brother’s kids who lost their Dad six months ago & how this will be their first Christmas without him. Or my neighbor who was just put into a home & it will probably be her last Christmas. Another neighbor’s husband is & has been battling cancer & doesn’t know if this is his last or my husband’s boss who just found out he has stage four cancer & this will be his last Christmas with his family…the holidays are such a gift & yet for many it can be a heavier time of heartache, loneliness, loss. The holidays are not all cheer for everyone. For some reason I am VERY mindful of this, this year.

How can we help? How can we bring a little CHEER & Holiday Hope to places that need a boost of some kind? How can we find ways to bring about Holiday spirit? How can we as adults create a little more Holiday magic?

Be a LIGHT. I never would have thought how moving to a coastal town that does not have very many houses lit up or festive lights, how much I would miss it. So, I ordered hundreds of feet of lights and I am determined to bring on some light to my neighborhood. HOPING everyone who drives by can enJOY a little bit of the holiday cheer.

Other ways to spread light…giving and sharing…do an angel tree, fix up used toys and give to needy families (this is a tradition at our house. We buy used Kelly or Chelsea Barbie dolls and buy $1 store accessories, add a love note, a candy cane & donate to local charities) maybe make cards or take a plant or flower to an elderly home for each resident, give someone in your neighborhood (who has health issues & may not have another holiday) a special dinner or advent or homemade gift that says you care, give thank you notes or a gift to your UPS delivery drivers (I usually leave out some fun candy bars and thank you notes), thank you’s to your pet providers or stores you frequent, DON’T forget the single people around you—sometimes they need someone to just connect & feel that it is a different day & not just a day off. Reach out…help a local organization feed families or make a difference in some way by giving back.

Put some MAGIC back into the season…even as an adult: Think of traditions you loved as a child. At my house our family did a train where each kid stood at their door and my Mom & Dad had a wooden train whistle they would blow & chug to each kids room and everyone would link and make our way down to the tree. One idea from this: Maybe if you have grown children that don’t live at home & are close by, you swing by their apartment & honk a number of times until they come out & you wisk them to your home for a special breakfast Christmas morning or brunch.

Another fun childhood memory—waiting up all night for presents or sleeping under the tree. One idea from this: could be to have a special slumber party with your adult kids sometime during the holidays. Have everyone bring pillows, blankets, sleeping items & camp out under the tree watching holiday classics.

Another fun childhood memory—games. Whether it was board games like Pictionary, candy land, twister or find the pickle on the tree, games can make the holidays fun! At our house, with adult kids I made an especially hard I-spy on the tree. I hid multiple tiny penguins, polar bears, stars, shells, tiny toys, special ornaments, etc. It was so fun to see three, college-age visitors hunt up and down and all around the Christmas tree trying to spy the various items. See what you can find—thimbles, buttons, the items can be endless & can be hidden exceptionally well. It can be a lot of fun! OR pull out board games and have a game night with fun soda mixed beverages, s’mores or a hot cocoa bar. Make it a fun memory.

Another childhood memory—advent calendars. As a kid it would be full of chocolate or candies, tiny toys, etc. As kids get older gift them ideas they can do to enJOY the holidays, experiences to do, opportunities to serve the community, little acts of random kindness, etc. Last year I gave my daughter a little tip to do each day to learn to love herself more. This year there are tips of living an intentional life with little chocolates. It doesn’t have to be a physical gift, but something they can learn and grow from too. A gift should be something that is given with intention and care.

Another childhood memory—visiting lights, so maybe to create some adult magic–have a light up contest within the family. Everyone gets the same kit with a certain amount of lights, ornaments, etc & they can only use $30 of their own money to create some type of holiday display. Everyone gets creative & then one night you have everyone caravan to each house to see the display & pick an overall winner. OR you just have a special night where the family gathers and caravans to certain locations of magical lights & has hot cocoas in hand.

Another childhood memory—sleigh rides or snow tube rides. I remember as a kid my Dad would hook a rope to the car (please don’t try this at home. ;), attach a large tube and neighbor kids would zip through an iced over parking lot—many flying from a snow mound jump & a few falling through the inter tube hole into a thick powder. It was so fun!! As an adult we took a neighborhood path and packed the snow up from it and made it into a tube luge. We had cousins & neighbors over & created a big memory that we still talk about. As an adult—still go! Jump in and book a sleigh ride under a moonlit sky, buy a huge tube and make a snow run…make the memories that continue to last! We are all just BIG kids.

Another childhood memory—one of my all-time favorite gifts was a stuffed polar bear (that I still have). I still buy myself a stuffed animal every year for Christmas. Is there a beloved gift you would love to see and experience again? Maybe you loved trains or playing with blocks or magnets or dolls. Maybe you always wanted to take pictures or paint. Tap into things you enJOYed as a child and buy yourself something or invite someone to gift you something that reminds you of your youth. Take a walk down that memory lane and remember the magic.

Another childhood memory—Christmas books. The classics, the ones that were gifted. Books are a holiday memory. As an adult think of a book or series that might be fun to read alone or with your family (Harry Potter, Skipping Christmas–movie Christmas with the Kranks) and take a few pages each night before bed. I came across this site that seems to have an extensive list of ideas that may help you find something inspired to read for the holidays.

Another childhood memory—Christmas movies. This is a classic Christmas tradition no matter how old you are. You have those shows that stick with you & are your favorites from your youth (Rudolph, Polar Express, Santa Claus, Elf) or the more modern classics that have great lessons to share (Family Man, Family Stone, Serendipity, Christmas Jars)

Another idea: The holidays are a fun time to truly create memories, so take time to make things intentional. My daughter & her boyfriend are coming home for the weekend & it is a tradition to kick off December with some sort of gift or display that helps bring some magic. When she was little it also meant that our little “Star” bear (many have elf on the shelf now) would arrive and be on Christmas watch. Well, now she is in college, but the magic is still important, so I planned a fun scavenger hunt for the two of them to do together with a fun gift at the end. I also found another “Star” bear that is holding a penguin, which is more like her adult self. I am going to hide it around the house & bring back a little magic from her youth. Kids & adults are never too old to enJOY intentional gifts that make memories fun.

Thoughtful SURPRISES: I LOVE thoughtful surprises. My husband over the years has given me so many nice gifts (cameras, laptop) but the thought filled gifts & surprises always mean the most—from a surprise kayak at a hotel pool that I paddled around in, or a kaleidoscope from a beach town we had visited, to a small, redwood tree seed encased in acrylic to a stuffed donkey—all things that he felt would resonate with me as a person. Often enough my favorite, thought-filled gifts that I cherish–are a card with heartfelt words and sentiment. When someone puts thought into something—priceless. My daughter’s boyfriend just got a 3-d printer & the first thing he thought about…something he could make her. He made her a darling Christmas sign to hang in her apt. When thought is there—it shows you care.

Find GRATITUDE & be grateful for ALL the gifts of Christmas and the daily gifts you receive. If you can find blessings daily through the holidays—it will make it that much better. Find appreciation and good will to men. Send love texts, share pictures with family, send love notes of appreciation for those in your life. Gratitude can change everything. Give thanks for the lights, the food, the family gathered, friends, people who pop in, holiday music, all you have been given. What you focus on you will find.

SELFLESS: I read this and can find admiration and truth in this.. I enjoy Christmas so much more as an adult because it’s not about me and my expectations. I can’t possibly be bored or disappointed, because I’m not hoping to get anything out of it. Now, Christmas is about celebrating my faith and practicing gratitude. It’s about specifically focusing on the people in my life that I love instead of myself, doing things for them that let them know how special they are .-comment by Megan Skipworth. [love that! thank you, Megan] so true. Love that focus.

The holidays are about HOPE, HEART, HAPPY MEMORIES, so with the holidays here, think about what brings you JOY, what fills your heart with giving, what makes you genuinely hopeful about your life, your family, the time you share & ultimately the greatest gift giving time you care.

Peace, Love and Light. -H


So much LOVE

Love-552x864February is right around the corner & I LOVE all the wonderful things it brings!! RAK week, Valentines, my anniversary, my daughter’s bday…so much LOVE. Love it!!

What do you do and how do you FEEL about the month of LOVE? Do you spread love and kindness to those around you? Do you feel more alone? Do you feel you wish you had someone to love? Do you want to enjoy it & just don’t know how to fully engage?

Here are some ideas to get you enjoying LOVE month no matter what!!

RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) LOVE: LOVE EVERYONE: Smile at everyone (even strangers).  Share a compliment with someone. Surprise someone with flowers. Send a love note to at least five people you care about. Text some great notes or quotes to inspire others. Drop some money for a street performer or take a minute & share what you appreciate about their craft. Leave a note or treat for your delivery people or those you see/visit to get your hair done or someone you buy your coffee from, etc. Have compassion and hold that space for people who come into your life. Open & hold doors for people. Notice those around you–is there an elderly woman walking home & needs help with her groceries? Stop & help. Turn your phone off when you are in a deep conversation with someone–your attention is a gift. Inspire others with uplifting posts, texts, sticky-note messages, any chance you can–send some good into the world.   CREATE A GIFT FOR SOMEONE. Use one of your talents & create something nice for someone. Write a song or poem, bake cookies, leave a little note, etc. My daughter has this co-worker who is amazing at drawing animals & she randomly will gift one to my daughter. It is a genuine gift made with love and care. It makes everyone feel good.   DRIVE NICE! I always tease my husband on this one. I am constantly reminding him to let people in, not cut people off, be courteous to other drivers, etc. I always say, “what if that was a neighbor?” just to make him think & remember to be kind to everyone.   GIVE: Whether it is going through your “stuff” & finding items to donate or you want to make a meal for someone in need–do something to get out of yourself & your life and give time, items, needs to someone who could use you or your talents.   LOVE THE EARTH: be kind by recycling, composting, planting a tree, using less plastics, gaining knowledge, pick up trash or fishing line at a local park, Start an earth day campaign, etc. Do a little more of what you can do to make the world a better place.   SPREAD LOVE TO CO-WORKERS: leave a small, handwritten note in everyone’s inbox. Bake something yummy to share with everyone. Give praise and acknowledge greatness on a regular basis. Care & listen. Leave inexpensive gifts as surprises for everyone [ie: mandala coloring book, quote cards, candy treats, etc]   WRITE IT OUT: most people just send a silly meme wishing wells or happy bdays, but I have one friend who makes it her mission to send hand-written cards for various occasions. Sometimes it is just a wonderful gift to get a handwritten note via snail mail.   BECAUSE YOU CAN: Call & tell your parents you love them OR better yet make it a fun night together. Many people have lost someone close to them & can’t reach out and share feelings. My husband’s step-dad recently fell ill with a rare disease and was gone within two weeks. It hit everyone hard, so reach out, because you can!   VISIT THE ELDERLY: I just read a very sad article that mentioned how 60% of elderly in rest homes do not have visitors. At our home around Valentines we usually buy the $1 store heart doilies & we write generic love letters on them & then drop them off at our local rest home. Take the time to drop off something, visit someone, make a fun deck of cards everyone can use, share a talent, etc.  BE SINCERE: we all go through the motions of asking people how they are doing, but do you really mean it? Check it next time & be genuinely present, listen and be sincere with your conversations.   BE GENUINE: with your hugs, your time, your conversations, the way you give of yourself—do it all with LOVE.

DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF: Be nice to you! I wear a feather ring to remind myself “FLY: First Love Yourself” How can you do little things to be kinder to yourself? Be kind & tell yourself something you love or need affirmation. Exercise. Get quiet. Take time for yourself & give yourself some self-love by…BUY A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS, but before you do, learn & study about the symbolism associated with specific flowers or colors. [ie: Bird of Paradise symbolizes joyfulness and magnificence. A carnation Pride and Beauty. Daisy innocence and Purity. Gerber Daisy Cheerfulness. Iris Eloquence. Lily Purity and Refined beauty. Sun Flower Pure thoughts. Rose Love.]   SPA DAY: either stay home & diy spa treatments OR go to a spa & indulge in a facial, get your nails done, relax to a massage, etc. Take some me-time.  SOMETHING NEW: maybe you have always wanted to go to the 7pm spin class or try an indoor rock climbing gym. This is the perfect time to do something new you have always wanted to do.   GET GRATEFUL: this is huge for anyone who needs to FEEL a little more ‘something’ from their life. It has been scientifically proven that if you write down five things a day that you will be 25% happier within a month. When we have grateful hearts every aspect of our lives becomes a little better. That is a great gift you can give yourself.   SAY NICE THINGS. What are you saying to yourself on a daily basis? Are your being kind? Are you saying things to yourself that you would say to others [like your best friend]? Check what you are saying to yourself & focus on trying to say nice, kind things to yourself.   HAVE VISION its 2020–everything should be a little more clearer this year! Take time to make a vision board.  Here is my vision board story & directions to make your own

SOMETHING FUN WITH OTHERS: ST. VALENTINE SWAP! My daughter has a bunch of friends who work with her that are in their twenties or thirties and single. I came across a great idea: have them all swap names and give one another a fun valentine surprise!! [think Secret Santa swap] but this I am going to call The St. Valentine Swap!! So fun!! Deliver flowers, buy chocolates, give them movie tix, take them out, make a valentine’s card, etc.  LAUGH OUT LOUD: gather friends or family & watch something funny. Find an old favorite comedy, put on a funny comic or have your own open-mic night & invite everyone to tell jokes, share funny & embarrassing stories, karaoke, etc.  YOUR FAVORITE THINGS NIGHT: Invite friends or family over to share some of your favorites. Bring a tub of your favorite ice cream or a dvd movie that tops your list or a favorite chapstick you want to share with everyone. Have everyone bring favorite things to share & go from there.  MYSTERY & MURDER: My daughter has fallen in love with murder mysteries, so we had one of her friends over & we watched the Netflix original, Murder Mystery with Jennifer Aniston & Adam Sandler, had fun food & after played the board game, CLUE.  You could also make up your own Murder Mystery dinner & have guests come dressed up as their character. It doesn’t have to be a romantic comedy, just make the night fun and memorable.  CURL UP & DYE IT NIGHT: bring fun colors to semi-color your hair, junk food to share, and enjoy a night of color, conversation and downtime. Make it fun for everyone!  FOND OF YOU FONDUE NIGHT: Invite friends or family over for sweet and savory fondue dishes. Have them bring a favorite ingredient to share with everyone. Pull out the fondue pots and make it fun!!

I hope these ideas get you planning many special moments for LOVE month. Make it memorable. Make it FUN!! Most importantly–Spread some LOVE. xoxo

Love & JOY to you today.  -H


Be Love and Light

IMG_2111“Don’t be afraid to shine, the world needs your light.”  -Gabby Bernstein

I have been truly understanding the concept of getting out of yourself and striving to live from a higher place. I think we get into the habits of being human and caring soo much about what others think that it becomes hard to get out of that trap!

My realization–genuinely started by reading “The Book of Joy” by Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama. The book is all about finding Joy, living compassion and striving to become better. Such a good read. Highly recommend!! While reading that book, I had a complete stranger notice and acknowledge my spirit, my joy!! It blew me away and I have been trying to live a little higher each day & it has made so much of a difference for my life.

Here are a few examples: yesterday, my husband and I were stuck for thirty minutes in a one-way commuter lane & no way to avoid sitting, stuck in traffic that was not moving. After a few minutes of me and my husband complaining about being stuck because we were going to be very late to pick up our daughter from work, we gave in and began to let go. We could not control or change the situation, so we began to dance in the car. Our spirits began to get happy, so I decided I could do something! I opened my car door, stepped on my side rail of the car & began blowing kisses to the VERY long line of cars behind us. The line wrapped around for miles. As I blew kisses, the guy in the car directly behind us lit up with a huge smile & gave me a huge rock on/love you sign with his hands. It was AWESOME!! I guarantee we all felt a little better sitting in traffic. It was such a fun and memorable moment. I will never forget that guy’s face as he lit up. Priceless.

Another ‘light’er life experience was deciding I was going to do a lantern walk for my community neighborhood. I am not the same religion as everyone who surrounds me, so after living here for nine years & not feeling very connected I have felt a need to do something. So, I told my husband and daughter I was going to create a lantern walk & invite EVERYONE! They both looked at me & thought my family would make fun of me & that no one would show up! With my new feelings of trying to be a spark–I carried on with my plan. I created a website in a day, began ordering paper lanterns, lights, found a four-foot LOVE sign and began planning every detail. I planned Oct. 7th at 7 to have people gather at my home & all walk together down a forest path next to my house. They would walk through branches of hanging paper lanterns, a tree adorned and decorated with flower lights, mason jars of “fairy lights” and paper lanterns with butterflies. My “fairy tree” was especially made for the children. [It is a special tree that I would take my daughter & her cousins to when they were growing up & they would look for fairies who lived there] There were two other decorated trees that had quotes about being a light in the world. People would then cross bridges with lights and a trail of paper bags lit by votives, a four-foot heart on a hill made from light rope and would then end at a small amphitheater where they could take pics with their families at the large “Love” sign. I had it all figured out in my head!! It was going to be a lovely evening made for families.

Weeks passed and I was hoping I would have someone in the community offer lanterns, to help set-up…anything, but I heard nothing. My husband was wondering if anyone was going to show & kept saying, “maybe you need to post more notices or have someone send out something again to let people know about it.” I told him I had two neighborhoods post it multiple times on their email groups, I made a large sign I posted on the forest path & I just kept telling him, “those who are meant to come will be there.” Smile. Smile.

I was popping paper lanterns for days & preparing everything for the big day. My husband and daughter began to see the bigger vision & began to get excited. The morning of Oct. 7th came & my sweet husband had taken the day off of work, knowing I would not be able to pull this all off without him. The crazy thing—it is actually a literal Godsend, was that when I first began to plan this event I just imagined us with ladders in the forest & now I know we would have NEVER finished in time. Just a week after I began planning, my father-in-law passed & in his will he left my husband a side-by-side atv. It was a genuine Godsend. If we would have NOT had this vehicle, the outcome of our lantern walk would have never been finished. We were zipping up and down the forest path all day. My husband was standing on the top of it to reach large branches to hang lanterns, it made the timing so much faster. I kept hoping someone might help us, but the day was ours. It took me and my husband all day & by 7pm, I had not showered, was running to meet anyone who may be at our house & I was in a tank top for any first impressions. It was hilarious. I had my parents man my home & invite anyone who showed up into the backyard. I ran upstairs to change my clothes & found that my husband had locked our bedroom door to ensure no one entered. My husband was still at the park trying to finish set up & laughed as I called him begging to get into our room. I finally made it in [after he told me where the key was & how to open it] & threw a shirt on. I quickly ran to my backyard and found probably a hundred people waiting. My Dad was saying something to everyone & then noticed me, he turned the crowd over to me. I merely said, “What a wonderful surprise!! I told everyone that my husband was still trying to finish up details in the park, so we just wanted to remind everyone to make a memory with their families, to spread some love in their communities & I invited them to take some kindness cards that we had printed up to say kind things & share them with others, kids lockers, a meal to someone in need…to spread some love.” It was short but sweet and heartfelt. I then invited the whole group to head to the forest and it was a beautiful night.

My husband will never forget seeing the huge group of people coming out of the forest, all holding lanterns, walking as a huge community of people. He was happily surprised! Everyone was so grateful for the night. It made my heart so happy to see families taking pictures around the love sign, talking to neighbors, just sitting on a nearby grassy hill watching the night light. It was a lovely time. Definitely a night of Love and Light—just what it was supposed to be.

Even though no one showed up to help, my husband, my daughter & her friend will never forget working so hard to put so much love into something. We did it together and it was a beautiful gift and memory we will always treasure.

All of our family and neighbors kept talking about doing it next year & I kept saying, “We will see.” My husband has been talking about next year ever since. It was a gift to all.

Check out some of the pics below. IF you want to do a lantern walk where you live—-I can help!! Its all about spreading Love and Light. You can also check out my website and click on the Spreading Love link where there are lots of things you can do. There are printable kindness cards and more. Check it out

Begin with you. One person can do small things that can spark a little light and love into the world. DON’T let other people stop you. DON’T let other people make you feel small or worry so much about what they think. This is YOUR life. Make it bright!! Make it full of LOVE and LIGHT.

Peace, Love and Light to you today!!  -H

PS Smile, say hello or wave at someone today!! Make their day. Be a LIGHT!

Here are some of the quotes I used & hung on trees CvvE5wWUMAAxL_mquote_1-1.5.18shine10863536030fee581b324a74a5d2f73a9-1


Tis the Season to Give.

82523813-hands-holding-gift-in-kraft-box-on-a-red-background-the-concept-of-st-valentine-s-day-weddings-engagAs the holidays are upon us there is a lot of talk of thanks and giving. After talking to my sister at length about frustrations she is having with her five kids and trying to figure out how to help them give without the constant gimme. I figured I would do a post on giving thanks. It is the season.

Here are some ideas for all of us to get us into the GIVING SEASON. It is a beautiful time of year and when we give even more of ourselves, the magic spreads throughout the season and even further throughout the whole year.

I have done numerous posts on this subject, so please check out some of my older posts during the holidays.

Here are some additional ideas:

MAKE A MEAL that MEANS SOMETHING: Last week my daughter and I took a few girls & leaders from her school to a local children’s medical center. We were gifted the opportunity to make a meal for the families whose children are staying at the hospital. It was a humbling experience to see over 80 people shuffle in with various faces, from a variety of places. So many were just gracious, exhausted, some had a deep sadness and then there were some who seemed full of hope wearing shirts that said, “Happy” and “Love.” I actually commented to the people that I loved seeing so many shirts with happy thoughts. It was a sea of people doing the best they could with where they were at. We saw little kids in tubes, a little one so swollen her eyes were shut closed, another running down the hall with an oxygen tank. It was eye opening to see kids in a hospital, but still smiling because they were running or driving a plastic car backwards. The Dad driving the car backwards smiled at his son and me observing and said, “Sometimes you will go backwards in life.” I smiled and said, “At least he is still smiling.” The Dad smiled and agreed. Another sweet moment, a little boy in a hospital gown, about two-years-old entered the kitchen where we were making the food and beamed with a huge smile & looked down at his feet. His Dad commented that his son wanted to show us his new slippers. We all looked at the little boy and started quickly commenting on how cute his new slippers were & he just started smiling and growling at us. We all laughed in joy together. His father asked us if we would mind singing Happy Birthday to his little son. We were happy to. We totally surprised the little boy when we all chimed in and boomed a big version of Happy Birthday for all to hear. The little boy smiled so big. Joy was all around.

VISIT A FOOD BANK: A couple of years ago we were financially struggling. In our entire marriage we had never needed to ask for financial help, let alone for food. It was a humbling time that hit me again this year when my daughter and I visited a local food bank. As we sorted bins and bins of food for distribution, it took me back to the time when we received food from a pantry. I placed food in boxes and wondered where they would go, who would be in need…I know we were truly grateful for the giving resources that so freely gave to us in our time of need. I still have a couple of cans in my pantry that remind me of that time. You never know. It is so easy to take things for granted, but You can’t take things for granted. Give thanks in all you do.

USE A TALENT TO GIVE: My sweet daughter for years has found gently used cloth dolls & some did not have the clothes, so she would knit for hours to make a dress or a scarf to fit the dolls. We would then package them neatly & leave a special note from one child to another. What a sweet gift to give.

While talking to my sister today she mentioned one of her young sons she struggles with loves art. I told her maybe he could make some artistic Christmas cards or notes that could be given to foster kids or angel trees, etc. A card from a kid–another kid would love that. Use a talent you have to touch another.

GIVE 12 DAYS TO SOMEONE WHO IS ALONE: Put together 12 stories, or 12 cards to write, or 12 activities to do (word search, puzzle, movie to watch, something to color, etc), or 12 events to attend…now, when I say SOMEONE WHO IS ALONE, you could think old widow or you could also think someone who just got out of foster care or who doesn’t have any family nearby.  In the past six months I have become very close to a young girl who has not even been out of foster care for a year. She is not close to her family, so I am giving her 12 days of various things (Important Questions to journal, Items to keep her cozy, Events going on around town, a gratitude guide, Coloring pages, Soup recipes and Stories, A book to stretch & grow, etc)     FInd someone nearby that you can touch with a 12 days of something good.

WISHING ROCKS: As part of little gifts we are giving this year we decided to make some wishing rocks for those we love. We sat down the other night and painted rocks with words (Love, Peace, Joy, Hope, Courage, Faith, Belief, Light, etc) and we put a little note that said, “Take what you need. Day by Day. Made with Love”  Some of those rocks we made for a sweet family friend whose Dad is dying of cancer. You never know what people truly need, but making something with love is a good start.

I HOPE these ideas have inspired you to get out and give of yourself. It makes the season even more magical for everyone. Fill the world with love and light.

xoxo May your holidays be beautiful. Peace and love to you.  -H


Holiday Spirit & Giving Ideas

Wow!! The Holidays are upon us and it is a wonderful time of spreading cheer, goodwill and heartfelt gifts.

I thought it would be fun to share a few ideas, a couple great stories, gift giving ideas and more. Enjoy! Enjoy the season of giving. It’s all good.

christmas-gifts-christmas-gift-decorations-christmas-gift-ideas-2014-christmas-gift-ideas-pinterest-christmas-gift-ideas-to-make-christmas-gift-ideas-for-mom-christmas-gift-ideas-for-gir“The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.”  -Pierre Corneille


‘Twelve Days’ or in this case ‘Twelve Dates’: Every year I try to do a ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ for my parents and my husbands parents. Each year I try to come up with little things they could do each day or every other. I include stories, links, recipes, activities, etc. This year I did ‘Twelve days of Picnics” because life should be a picnic!! Right?  Each ‘picnic’ was a date night of asking each other questions, recipes for a meal together, a gift or activity. Little things to bring two people together. I think when you can make a gift for someone it tells them that you care & took the time.

A Good Read: One of my favorite books this year was Squire Rushnell’s ‘When God Winks at You.’ It is a compilation of stories that illustrate how God speaks directly to us through the power of coincidence. It is a great read. I am going to put one of the stories down below, so don’t miss it.

A way to calm: My daughter has found out how powerful the art of coloring can be. This would be a good gift for anyone, but especially students or people who work in high stress situations. Coloring seems to calm the mind. My daughter started coloring before taking a test & has noticed how well it calms her mind and prepares her to focus. There are many types of adult coloring books, so it is NOT just a kid gift. Get coloring.

Something personal: I think you can put meaning to anything. I bought a bunch of tiny, silver pine cone charms & added them to some ribbon & put a quote that says ” Since the Pine Tree remains green all year, it is a symbol of Eternal Friendship.” I made it to be a book mark for a couple of my friends who like to read.  Write a love note to someone you care about or make a special card that you leave on your loved ones pillow each morning or night for twelve days before Christmas. You could also do something similar for your kids & leave one in their stocking each day & they can read them before bed. You could also make a little photo book of highlights from the year & give them to family or friends. There are so many ideas you can get personal with. Just put some heart into your ideas & the love will shine through.

You can also ‘search’ my blog & find other Christmas traditions and holiday ideas. I have posted MANY over the years. Hope there are some ideas that get you excited. Yay!


045c0bf22bcff82025d1dc18d9cda104MAKE IT FUN! Every year I try and get the little cousins together & gift them with a fun party for the holiday season. This year I am hosting a ‘Grinch Party’. I am having all the kids come dressed like Whoville characters (crazy hair, crazy hats, stripes, etc) & bring a crazy gift for a fun exchange. I am going to gather them in a circle & make them sing the silly Whoville song while passing gifts. It will be funny!! We are going to play some fun games & watch the movie. It should be super fun!!

I couldn’t help add this cute chalk idea. Get creative. Make a fun family card. Make a special gingerbread house. This year we bought a gingerbread trailer to decorate because my husband is living in a trailer for a few months while he is away. Make your own ornaments, build ice castles with balloons. Check out this link

Make things fun & memorable.


pond-town-christmas-lights_f3d882cd-5056-a36a-0ba8bf7ba2cedcb8MAKE MEMORIES: My husband is still living in another state and we only get to see him once a month, so our time is very cherished. He just came home for a few days & we knew we needed to pack in some holiday cheer, so late one night (around 9pm) we jumped in the car & drove 40 minutes to one of our favorite places to see holiday lights. It is a pond that lights up about 30+ floating, light trees that mirror & reflect such beauty. We all held hands & walked around the pond. Cherished memories are priceless. Even though it was late we were sure happy we went.


Solutions--1020x200--More-Ways-to-Give_1GIVE: Every year my daughter and I love fixing up ‘groovy girl’ dolls that are in great shape & may just be missing a dress, skirt or scarf. We find them at thrift stores, add some holiday flare, add a note of Christmas cheer & send them to a holiday toy drive. My daughter literally knits scarfs, skirts, dresses, hats, etc for the dolls & they turn out so cute. Use your talents to do something for someone else this holiday.  Here is my other post on good places to make items to give, service ideas’ etc.


how-to-revive-your-lovelifeLIFE IS TOO SHORT: Enjoy each day. My husband had an employee come in for work and never leave. She had been employed there for ten years, so she had some great friends. She went in to work & had a brain aneurysm that took her from this life. It can happen that quickly, so cherish each day, kiss those you love, and offer kindness to all those you meet. Make each day count. You never know. This holiday season embrace the chance to be with those you care about.


A COUPLE GREAT STORIES to share with your family this holiday season: taken from Squire Rushnell’s book (noted above) Here is a story to help us remember that we are always surrounded by a divine LOVE.

450872979When God Winks at You is the story of Ken Gaub. Ken was going through a period of uncertainty with his ministry. In the 1980’s is family did an entertainment ministry that they would take to churches, schools, and the back roads of America traveling fifty-thousand miles a year. On one trip, a couple of his sons were driving. They kept in touch between the cars with a CB radio. One son told the other to stop at an exit. While his family went to a diner, Ken decided to take a walk. He walked by a gas station and an empty phone booth. The phone began to ring. Ken stopped and looked around, but the phone kept ringing. He thought it might be for the attendant or an emergency. Because he thought it may be an emergency, he picked up the phone. An operator on the line said it was a person to person call for him, Ken Gaub! He thought it was a joke, but continued. The operator repeated that the call was for him. Ken went ahead with the call. On the other end of the phone was a woman named Millie who had seen him on The 700 Club. She remembered his name and wrote it in the suicide note she was writing. When Ken asked her how she got the number, she said it just came to mind while she was writing her suicide note. Ken explained where he was, but then explained how God was watching over her, that her worries were temporary, and God was the only answer and she would find peace thru Jesus. After a few years, Ken met Millie face to face performing on the road. Today, Ken is still on the road.


il_fullxfull.1092511228_su6kANGELS IN THE BARN by Joan Wester Anderson (She has many wonderful Angel stories that are in numerous books by her)

The after-Christmas snowstorm had blanketed a wide patch of rural eastern Pennsylvania, and Chris Clark Davidson probably should have waited until the roads were plowed before she, her mother and her two small sons attempted a drive. But Chris’ grandmother lived alone more than 100 miles away and couldn’t get out to the store to buy groceries. “We’ll be fine,” Chris assured her mother. “We’ll take that shortcut that we use all summer.”

However, Chris had forgotten how narrow the short-cut road was, especially with drifts piled high and wind blowing snow across the fields. When another vehicle roared around a curve. Chris swerved and skidded into a snow bank. The other car kept going.

The wheels spun uselessly as she tried to pull out. “Mommy, are we stuck?” toddler Philip asked from under his blanket in the back seat.

“Looks that way, honey,” Chris admitted. They had only seen that one car since they’d turned onto the shortcut. How long would it be before someone came along? How long before the freezing temperature invaded the car’s interior? And why, oh why, had she worn stylish open shoes instead of warm boots?

Chris got out, her almost-bare feet plunging into a high drift, and looked around. Lord please send us some help, she prayed. Then she saw it—a silo and barn roof about a quarter-mile away. “Mom,” Chris leaned in the car, “I’ll walk down to that barn and see if anyone’s there. Keep the kids warm.” Her mother nodded, her face worried.

The journey was incredibly cold and by the time Chris pushed open the barn door, her feet were icy. A welcome blast of heat greeted her, along with the mooing of heifers in their stalls. It was a working dairy, clean and well organized, with a shiny window fan circulating the air. Although she had passed it during previous times on the short cut, she had never really taken a good look. Now, she realized with joy, there were young male voices coming from behind a stall.

Maneuvering around the livestock, Chris followed the sound and came upon two farmhands in overalls and flannel shirts, kidding and teasing each other as they pitched hay. They stopped and smiled when they saw her, and quickly she explained the situation.

“Stay here!” one said, tramping past the cows, grabbing his jacket and going out the door. A moment later, Chris heard a horn honking in front of the barn. There he was, driving a blue pickup truck. “Get in!” he shouted.

Chris hesitated. She didn’t know these men, and her family, down the road, was vulnerable. Yet, there was something so merry about the men that she couldn’t feel afraid. She and the other farmhand scrambled into the pickup and bounced down the road. There was the car, her toddlers bundled up and Mom waving. The driver roared across the field, spun in a wide circle and screeched into position behind it. “Way to go!” his buddy yelled.

Chris gripped the seat. “Do you always drive like this?” she asked, only half-joking.

The driver shrugged. “Well, it ain’t our truck.”

Within minutes the men had freed Chris’ car, and she opened her purse to reward them. But both backed away. “It was our pleasure, Ma’am. Just drive safely.”

Not like you, Chris grinned as she pulled away. But their happiness was infectious, and they were wonderful guys.

Chris didn’t realize just how wonderful until several weeks later when she and her mother decided to make a return visit to her grandmother. Since the snow was almost gone by then, the shortcut was safer. “When we get to the barn, I’d like to stop and let the guys know we made it to Grandma’s that day,” Chris told her mother. But when they pulled up in front to where Chris had climbed into the blue truck, she could hardly believe her eyes.

The barn was vacant, shabby, with paint peeling and door hinges hanging loose. Bewildered, Chris wiped away a heavy film of dirt and cobwebs on the milk house window and peered inside. Where were the heifers, the floor littered with fresh manure? Even the fan was rusty.

“You couldn’t have seen any farmhands or cattle there,” the woman at the next house told Chris. “No one’s worked that property for years.”

Chris got in the car. “Am I crazy, Mom?” she asked, bewildered.

“No.” Her mother was firm. “This is definitely the place.”

Then how….?  Suddenly Chris understood, and like the shepherds at that first Christmas, she was filled with awe. Her angels had worn blue jeans and flannel shirts instead of white robes. But they had delivered the same timeless message to her and to anyone willing to listen. Fear not! The Savior is here! Alleluia!

See more of Joan’s stories at

Have a beautiful holiday season. Best wishes sent to you & your family.  -H

Your Story. Your Legacy.

Our stories, our words, our openings to others say a lot about our lives. It is interesting to begin a conversation with a complete stranger (grocery clerk, massage therapist, hair stylist, etc) and stories just seem to flow. People like to connect with one another. The trick is…what are you telling? What are you saying about your life? What message are you leaving with those you come in contact?

Another step further—What if you could not “say” anything.

img_0387img_3605We recently took a trip to Southern Utah and hiked among petroglyphs of the Anasazi people. It was fascinating to think about walking through handwriting of people thousands and thousands of years old. To see what was important to them—food, feet, animals, people with horn hats, stars, labyrinth patterns…fascinating! Again. No words, just symbols.


112246My cute daughter is doing a report on the Northwest Coast Indians and found out they were tribes of people with no specific written language and shared their history and stories through Totems. A Totem is kind of like a book you could read, but instead of using words it used symbols. Totem poles were used as a way of passing down stories.

I thought this was a very interesting idea that could bring up various feelings for people. Think about it!! If you were to create a “Totem” of your life, what would it look like? What would be the main images that you would include. What words (now that we have them) would you include? What message of your life? What symbols would you use?

I think this could be a very fun personal activity you could do to see what comes up from your soul. Think about it. Draw something out. If you like to carve wood–carve away! Maybe make a collage of visual images. Create something. I think a visual of your life’s journey may say something to you. Try it!!

MAKE YOUR OWN CREATIVE TOTEM.  Here are some ideas I came up with…

SONY DSCMaybe make a simple totem for your yard. Pick glass or ceramic beads and make a decorative story line that you know the meaning and symbolism behind.


img_0433This made me think of making a personal beaded bracelet that you could create that will symbolize different things within your life. Each bead represents something personal.


tumblr_o19gthtumm1v5h6m1o1_1280Maybe make a collage of highlights or things that remind you of your life. [example–pulled off google. Not sure of the source]


afb84d4942a1abb2bf4befed1785594dThis made me think of a crafty idea–if you know or enjoy quilting. Quilt symbols of your life and put them together.


2044Make symbols that mean something to you personally. Put them together to create a story.



d4239633957aced98ed266250f0942b1fd4adfbe71b055ee92pimgpsh_fullsize_distrIf you don’t feel too artistic you could always find various mandalas and color them to your own style and put meaning into them with specific colors meaning emotion, certain shapes to symbolize parts of your life, etc. Then you could stack and frame them or take a pic to always have close.   Mandala’s are a symbol, representing the search for completeness and self-unity.


Hope this post has given you some ideas to finding your deeper stories and unique ways to share them with yourself and those you love.


Happy creating!!  -H


Christmas-Giving & Christmas-Living

heart-ornament-hanging-from-a-wire-fence-3840x2400-wide-wallpapers-netI recently read an essay by Henry Van Dyke that I wanted to share about the feeling of Christmas. It talks about the real meaning of “Christmas-Giving & Christmas-Living.” I am going to include the essay in this post, along with a beautiful song by Sara Bareilles, “Love is Christmas.” I am sorry I could not find her actually singing (besides moving live video, which can be annoying to watch), so I have included a lyrics video with her song. Please take the time to read the words and feel the meaning of the song. It is beautiful.

I think this song has especially touched me this season in particular because we had a job change & things this year are tougher financially than they ever have been. I think this song makes you feel that Christmas truly is about LOVE, not necessarily all the other stuff that is easy to get caught up in (the house being a mess, the chaos of stores, the gifts, the food, the expectations we put on ourselves, etc).

May this holiday season bring you the warm feelings of LOVE. And may you want this feeling to last throughout the year, not just a day. Merry Christmas. Love & Peace to you.

Here is the song & then I will attach the essay below.


And now the beautiful and meaningful essay by Henry Van Dyke. I took it from the lovely book, “It’s All About Christmas”



Happy St. Nicholas Day

banner-largeI LOVE the story of ‘The Real Santa Claus’

Before the stores commercialized Christmas & it became all about the gifts, there was a man who truly did give gifts from the heart and brought Joy and Love to others, his name was Nicholas.

The real Santa lived a long time ago in a place called Asia Minor. It is now the country of Turkey. His name was Nicholas.

Nicholas’ parents died when he was just a teenager. His parents left him a lot of money which made him a rich young man. He went to live with his uncle who was a priest.

Nicholas heard about a man who had lost all his money. He had three daughters who were old enough to get married. But in those days young women had to have money in order to get married. This money was a “dowry” and it was used to help the new family get started. If you didn’t have dowry money, you didn’t get married.

This family was so poor they had nothing left to eat. The daughters were going to be sold as slaves because they couldn’t live at home any longer. They were very sad. They wouldn’t be able to have families of their own. And they would have to be slaves—no longer able to decide where they would live or what they would do.

The night before the oldest daughter was to be sold, she washed her stockings and put them in front of the fire to dry. Then all of them went to sleep—the father and the three daughters.

In the morning the daughter saw a lump in her stocking. Reaching in, she found a small, heavy bag. It had gold inside! Enough to provide food for the family and money for her dowry. Oh, how happy they were!

The next morning, another bag with gold was found. Imagine! Two of the daughters would now be saved. Such joy!

And the next night, the father planned to stay awake to find out who was helping his daughters. He dozed off, but heard a small “clink” as another bag landed in the room. Quickly he jumped up and ran out the door. Who did he catch ducking around the corner?

Nicholas, the young man who lived with his uncle. “Nicholas, it is you! Thank you for helping us—I hardly know what to say!” Nicholas said, “Please, do not thank me—thank God that your prayers have been answered. Do not tell others about me.”

Nicholas continued helping people. He always tried to help secretly. He didn’t want any attention or thanks. Years passed and he was chosen to be a bishop. Bishops look after their people as shepherds look after their sheep. And that is what Nicholas did. When there wasn’t any food, he found wheat; so no one went hungry. He always helped people in trouble. All his life Nicholas showed people how to love God and care for each other.

Everyone loved Nicholas. After he died, they told stories of the good and kind things Nicholas had done. Sailors took these stories about Nicholas everywhere they went. Some of the stories were about his special care for children—helping and protecting them when danger threatened. And so more and more people learned about good, kind Nicholas. They wanted to be like him. He is an example of how we should live. And that is why he became a saint.

This is the story of the real Santa Claus, St. Nicholas. To this day people say that St. Nicholas, or Santa, is the special friend of children.    [taken from]

I love that he was a man who liked to give, but had no need of attention for his giving. That is how giving should be.

Today, is December 6th and St. Nicholas is celebrated on this day. In celebration each year my small family  writes little love notes to one another on strips of paper and slips them into a special pair of wooden clogs throughout the day of December 6th. Then during dinner we take out the slips of paper and share the love with one another. Its a wonderful, loving, giving tradition.

This year I passed on the tradition to all my siblings in hopes that they will spend today writing kind things about one another and sharing their love around the dinner table.

In all we do, may there be love. Peace to you this day & every day.  -H

Tricks or Treats

With Halloween quickly approaching I thought it would be fun to put together some ideas to celebrate the many spirits of Halloween. Pick and choose what fits your personality. Enjoy!!

Are you more of a TRICK or TREAT person?

My husband I believe would be both!! He loves a great trick on someone & he loves the treats. I have to share a funny trick he played recently–He was camping out in high mountain country and before the camping trick we talked about pulling a great trick on the brother-in-laws that would be going on this trip. My husband and I talked and planned a very good (some would say MEAN) trick & it went really well. My husband took a small, portable speaker that had a remote that was controlled by his phone. On his phone he put an app that had a “Bear sound.” In the middle of the night, when everyone was in bed, my husband hit the button & the bear sound began. It sounded like a bear was snorting and moving in the woods behind them. First, our brother-in-law, Dan heard the sound & yelled, “Did you guys hear that?” One of our other brothers, Bud was quietly listening to his earphones & only heard Dan yell. Bud began to move around & listen for any noise. Then my husband hit the button again. He could not help lying in his tent laughing quietly to himself. Dan immediately yelled, “Did you hear that? We have something in the bushes.” Dan quickly moved to his tent for his bear spray. By this time my brother, Bud was lacing up his running shoes as fast as he could. My husband stepped out of his tent, waiting to see what was going to happen. My husband climbs out of his tent to find Dan reading the can of bear spray with his headlamp & Bud getting dressed as quickly as possible. My husband grinned to himself & hit the button again. Dan began looking with his light for any movement in the bushes, aiming his bear spray & ready for anything. Dan looked at my husband and Bud, “Do you see anything?” he asked. My husband calmly replied, “I see a speaker!!” Dan said, “What?” My husband busted out laughing & pointing at the speaker. They were all ready to kill him. An hour later, Dan yelled from his tent, “Well played!” My husband just laughed and laughed.

Another fun prank that is a classic is one of the kids favorite!! Down from our house is a guy that changes up his costume each year, but once you visit his house, he will chase you down the street. Gets the kids every time.

Another scary one that the kids continue to talk about was a kid dressed up in a black cloak (the kind that has a hood & long enough to touch the ground). This kid was walking through the forest near our home & scaring everyone in sight. It was probably even scarier because it was NOT Halloween. The kids in the family all still talk about “the creepy guy in the forest.”

A few other fun ideas: when you go to give your kids a Halloween goodnight kiss–throw in a pair of glow-in-the-dark fangs. Write something spooky with liquid dish soap on your kids bathroom mirror, so when they steam up the bathroom, the message will appear. Put red kool-aid in the shower head, so then the water comes out red.


Now for all you TREAT people out there–here are some yummy ideas you could create for Halloween.

pumpkin-punchPUMPKIN PUNCH BOWL: All you need to make a memorable party punchbowl is dry ice, a very large pumpkin and two large bowls that nest inside one another and are safe to handle dry ice. Hollow out the pumpkin, ensuring the opening is wide enough to hold the bowls. Place the larger of your two bowls in the pumpkin and use tongs to layer the bottom of the bowl with dry ice. Place the second bowl on top of the dry ice and fill the bowl with your punch. Carefully pour hot water into the bottom bowl to activate the dry ice vapors. Replenish the dry ice as needed throughout your party.

You can also do this same idea with a large witches cauldron.


You can also use a pumpkin for a fun ice bucket idea.

MJS halloween26-cooler.jpg
halloween26 – Place glow sticks in the bottom of an ice bucket or cooler at your Halloween party. Photo credit: Alison Sherwood

GLOWING BEVERAGES: As the stream of trick-or-treaters slows, invite your neighbors over for a drink. Toss a glow stick or two in with the ice in your cooler so they’ll open up to an eerie gleam.

64-non-candy-halloween-snack-ideas-the-ultimate-list-of-healthier-halloween-treatsYUMMY DEVIL SPIDER EGGS : The usual with chopped olives for decor

halloween-treat-broom-sticksSWEET LITTLE BROOM: Recess peanut butter cups stuck in pretzel

817461fb0e4340ea9aeb0a9b8522a14bHEALTHY LITTLE RELISH TRAY with a cute pumpkin center piece full of dressing

Well, I hope these ideas get you started in planning a spooktacular Halloween!

Give because WE have been given much


This time of year makes me truly reflect on the many things I am grateful for. I think my heart gets to a place of deeper meaning, of stepping more outside of myself and wanting to do more for others. I think we all begin to feel this sense of holiday spirit. We gather with our families, grateful to have family. We see fall colors and are grateful to be given the gift of seeing. We see the seasons change and are grateful for change within our own lives. We sit together and give thanks.

I know for me, I especially want to do more, to serve, to be an instrument in God’s hands, so I decided that I wanted to create a list of opportunities for all of us to GIVE, because WE have all been given much.  I hope you will look at this list and find an opportunity or two that your family can embrace together. I hope you will find a little more service this holiday season, so when you are sitting down with your family, your heart will be even more full of giving, of love and grateful for the abundance in your own lives.  Peace to all of you this beautiful holiday season.

Some fun ideas to share with your families:  Spread the LOVE. If there are some ideas you like—share them with your friends and family and make the chain of LOVE even bigger.


Samaritan’s Purse: Operation Christmas Child.  I LOVED this idea because it is not hard to do, benefits children around the world and will bring smiles to all who open.  You literally fill a shoebox with small gifts for children and then send it. You can even pay a little extra $ to track it and discover the destination it is going. I think it would be a great project to do with your family just before Thanksgiving. The drop off dates are just before Thanksgiving Nov 16-23. Check out the link to this great project.


Create No-Sew Fleece Blankets for groups like Project Linus, Wrap them in Love, Stitches from the Heart, Binky Patrol to name a few.


Make cards to send some LOVE: make cards for kids in the hospital  Write a letter to a woman with breast cancer at or fill out a letter online to servicemen at


Donate items for The Hugs Project: They are looking for a variety of items including handmade christmas ornaments and stockings, food items, socks, etc. They create care packages for troops   here is a link to the full item list of what they are looking for


SoleHope: Makes shoes out of jeans for Kids in Uganda.


Make a dog treats for a local shelter: here is a recipe from the Humane Society


Make place mats or decorate lunch bags for Meals on Wheels  Make sure you contact your local area to find out their specific needs.


Make something homemade to help: Here is a list of handmade items that are accepted by a variety of charities.


Make a bird feeder to feed the birds in your backyard–that is giving too!  Here are some directions:


Well, I hope these ideas get you started to giving of yourselves even more during the upcoming holiday seasons. Remember, it is easier to give with a grateful heart.

Peace to you. -H