A lesson from being totally numb!

I recently have been going to the dentist to take care of some periodontal issues. The serious nature has had me getting intensely drugged and numbed. I left the dentist office two different times looking like I had a stroke (mouth droopy) and my entire mouth numb and left without feeling. Talk about humbling. I could not feel my lips or tell if I was sucking a straw. It was terrible. I felt like Tim Allen…see below..hahaha


1Now, seriously. It was humbling and my heart ached for people who suffer from health issues. It made me think of my friend who was pregnant and had a stroke during her pregnancy. She lost mobility and memory. She struggled to find a reason for what had happened to her. She came to the realization that if it was for her child, she could struggle through & then she was thrown into the fire of losing that child. She wondered why. She began to question everything. She fell into a depression. She had not only lost physical mobility, she was now struggling with emotional mobility. She had other children she needed to take care of, so she had to go deep into her emotional reserve and find a place where she could begin to build again.

Today. I hope that many of you out there who do not struggle physically or emotionally will count the many gifts that you take for granted. I know walking out of that dentist office numb made me aware of the many gifts I take for granted. Think about it…A FEW things to get you thinking about the many gifts you are given…


site_photo_Our_Mission1Do you have healthy children? If you need a little more realization on this go watchthe movie,  “Miracles from Heaven.” My husband and I balled watching what that family had to go through and endure. It is based on a true story. Just imagine having a sick child & how difficult that would be. Go hug your children and thank the heavens that they are healthy and happy.


6db96ebcaa0ec34f9b184010c74191c6Two gifts you opened this morning–your eyes: You have the gift to see. There are many people who don’t take the time to look at the details, to notice the small gifts all around them. Read something. Go outside and look at the symmetry of leaves. Watch the clouds. Enjoy a sunrise or sunset. Notice color.


abundance-42-1024x860Do you have abundance? Whether it is fruit available for picking, a grocery store full of a variety of goods, running water, energy, family near, somewhere to live…My sister-in-law just moved to California. They had a house lined up to move into when they arrived, but the day they were to move in, the funding fell through. Luckily they had a trailer to live in while they are trying to work things out. My sister-in-law laughed as she explained their situation, “and I wanted to sell the trailer!” My response, “I bet you are glad you have it right now.”  They are living in a trailer, but are abundant with love. They took a day as a family and made it a memory in Disneyland. She joked that they are homeless, but they are in Disneyland and enjoying it.     Every situation is different, but if you can find the abundance wherever you are, you will find the gift within the situation.


Love-Heart-Made-With-Hands-At-Sunset_1Do you have love? We all come from love, but sometimes that gets lost in the confusion of life. You may be surrounded by friends and family who love you or you may have a best pet friend or maybe you are constantly searching for love. Do you love yourself? Love can be found in service, caring for another, holding the hand of someone afflicted, listening to someone in need…LOVE is everywhere, it is a gift that may be freely given or you may need to seek and find it. Love is in our nature.


healthymindbody_29Do you have a healthy body? Many of us take for granted and sometimes abuse the incredible gift we have been given–our body. It is an amazing piece of systematic genius. How are bodies function is a miracle & we do not have to do anything. It runs beautifully. Sometimes it is put on us to take better care of this amazing gift and we need to take it seriously. When we begin to break down, life becomes more difficult. We need to seek out good healthy habits. We need to find exercises we love. We need to sleep, drink water and do good things. Do you appreciate the ability to touch, to hear, to breathe, to taste yummy foods, etc.  We need to be grateful for the health and happiness we have.


Never-Stop-LearningDo you appreciate being able to learn and grow? We have a great ability to learn anything with the help of the internet, youtube, connecting with others, etc. It is amazing!! We are only limited by what we do NOT do. Learn something new & guaranteed you will find a new zest for your life. You will begin to strive to seek out new things more often to enhance your life. You will learn and want to share with others around you. It is contagious! When we don’t seek out new things, we become stagnate and don’t grow. Take the time. It is worth it. Seek to learn something new each day, even if it is something small. You will fill it boost your day. I promise!


download_images_7191338321_healthcorner_banner_3Do you have balance? Mind. Body. Spirit. All come together as a whole.

Well, this is a small list, but a good start. Create your own list of things you are grateful for and begin to to truly live, love and see the things that make your life incredible.

Peace and love to you. -H


Lessons learned from the movie Mr. Church

Storyline: When a young girl and her dying mother are joined by a black male cook who comes to live with them, little do they know that their lives are about to change forever.  fyi: IMDb has a 7.7/10 rating from over 14,000 votes. Other sources may not be so kind. You may have to watch the movie and make your own critique. Smile. Smile.


"Cook"Some would say this is a slow moving movie, but I can appreciate a movie where you fall in love with the characters and wait to find out what happens to them and their stories. I loved seeing a sober side to Eddie Murphy (Mr. Church) and I also love Britt Robertson.



The Lessons I took away from this movie:


mr-church-20160465YOU ALWAYS HAVE TIME TO IMPROVE YOURSELF–Mr. Church was always doing something that improved his world–reading, writing, playing the piano, painting, cooking…he  was a good example of this to “Charlotte”.

I know I left the movie feeling like I had a new sense of not wasting time & have been reading more and filling my time with learning. It was good for me.



375YOUR PAST DOES NOT HAVE TO DEFINE YOU–There may be dark secrets, hidden things about someone’s past, but it does not have to define them. Mr. Church gave and gave, but struggled with demons from his past.

I think we can all take this lesson into our personal lives. We all have pasts that hold scars, wounds, hurts, bad memories, BUT we can also learn from them and do our best to not let them hold on and weigh us down. We can break the chains and be free if we truly want to be.     I struggled with this one recently. I had an old boyfriend that I dated for over 2 years when I was younger. I recently found out that he had been put in prison for sexually abusing some young girls. The last couple of years I had memories that kept coming up about when we dated and I felt very violated. I had bad dreams, anxiety, fears…but I had to keep focusing on all the growth that has happened since I was that young girl. We had both changed by choices we made. He took a different path & I did feel bad for the place his life ended up, but I could not give my power away again. My life is full of wonderful things and those worries and fears and memories were beginning to weigh me down and chain me. I was not about to allow that because there is too much good in my life.  The past can haunt, but not have control. I took my power back and have not looked back.



Mr.-Church-6ALWAYS BE KIND–Always be kind to others, you never know the impact you may have on someone else’s life.  There was a sweet relationship between Charlotte (Charlie) and a guy named Larson. I don’t want to spoil it for you, so you will just have to watch.

I think we truly do not know the impact we may have on others. Our smile may lift another, a kind gesture, a listening ear, a hand to hold. We often overlook the simple connections that are always there to make.



Mr.-Church-4LOVE IS A GIFT— The relationship between Charlie and her mother was sweet and very loving. In the end her mother worries that Charlie would only have memories of the pain of her dying and not all the love that was shared. That was a tear-filled scene. It was very heart wrenching.

I think we can all look at the sweet relationships we have and choose to make them deeper, more love-filled, and more meaningful. Life truly goes by so quickly and it is the little, daily moments shared that will be remembered. Make time to hug, to talk, to spend one-on-one time with those important to you. Have special rituals or things you do that bind those relationships together. Maybe you have a weekly lunch date with best friends. Maybe you have monthly daddy/daughter or mommy/missy dates. Maybe you have a special bed time ritual. Maybe you write your children a special letter every six months. Maybe you have a special dinner to celebrate things your grateful for. There are so many things you can strive to do to connect even more with those you care about.


pictures-that-will-get-you-through-rough-day-27“Go and do something good with your life” were Charlie’s last words to her childhood friend Owen.

A good motto for our daily life. Go do good!!

PEACE. JOY and HAPPINESS to you today.  -H



Thanks. Gratitude & YOU

I just finished reading Pam Grout’s book, Thank & Grow Rich. It was a great read and I would highly recommend it. It is full of wonderful stories, ideas, activities and overall good!! I think if you can finish a book and it leaves you feeling better, learning something, and taking good things away from it…AWESOME!! So, with that, I wanted to share some of my favorite highlights (my literal highlighted points). Enjoy!! I am only going to put some because I do not want to spoil the book for you in any way. Read it and take the good from it!

THANKS PAM for your inspired book!!

woman-watching-sunset-1920x1200“When you get on the joy and gratitude frequency that I write about in this book, you radiate an energy that draws things into your life. The right people serendipitously walk across your path. The answer to a troubling question miraculously appears.

In Spain, they call this energy duende. If you tender (have) duende, it means there is something invisible that draws magic your way.”


maxresdefault-1“It wasn’t until I began counting my blessings that the other frequency was able to make contact, the still, small one that whispered kind truths…

The still, small voice reminded me that everything I see, everything I believe, is just a story I made up. It told me that, in Truth, I am spirit. I am light. All those voices, those wars going on in my head, are nothing but chunks of the collective consciousness that I can either believe an defend against or I can transmute with gratitude.     The real me, it told me, is kind, giving, in deep communication with all of creation. The real me is a true force for love.”


2“What could elicit more joy than realizing your assignment here on this big ball hurtling through space is to have fun, follow the GPS of your joy, and create the good, the holy, and the beautiful.”


988037-bigthumbnail“Rather than take steps to flee or change it, you have to first allow it. You have to bless it. You have to go so far as to call it good. Freedom and power come in choosing to bless with gratitude every single thing that shows up.”


8“Once you come into coherence with your real self, a sacred being with no beginning and no end, you can get on with creating beauty and expanding love. You can give up the grasping and the clawing, the pointless plans to protect your linear self.

You are not linear. You are light temporarily doing Sue or Bob or Priscilla. We have become so focused on this transitory, temporal self that we forgot who we really are. We forgot how powerful we are. We forgot our true mission–to expand the Kingdom of Light and Love.”


being-grateful-for-what-you-have-now-could-make-you-richer-in-the-future“Sh*t happens. And I would be the first to agree.     However, 99.9 percent of life, even during the sh*t storm, still operates in perfect working order, continues to run as efficiently as that annoying Energizer Bunny.

Right now, for example, my body is emitting two and a half tons of atmospheric pressure that keeps me from flying off into space. That is a friction’ miracle–99.9 percent of my life is a friction’ miracle.

Anyone who thinks life is nothing but an ordeal is clearly deluded. For the sake of argument, let’s take a count:

  1. The skirt you wanted to wear to work is wrinkled in the laundry basket.
  2. The freeway is crowded with bozos on their cell phones.
  3. Your boss doesn’t get you.


  1. You were created from stars.
  2. Free liquid falls from the sky–do you know how remarkable that is?
  3. You live on a planet with just the right amount of oxygen and…
  4. …just the right ratio of…
  5. …just the right gases.
  6. Each of your cells has thousands of mitochondria that create energy so you can give the finger to me and all the other optimists.

And I’m just getting started.

I’m not suggesting we play ostrich and stick our head in the sands of la-la land. But why devote so much of our lives to the one-tenth of one-percent that isn’t working? Deal with the wrinkled shirt and the boss… and… never forget that your body’s 100 trillion cells came from the division of one single cell.

And…that millions of new cells are being born every hour to replace the old ones. Without, I might add, any input on your part. Thousands of things have already gone right for you today….”


239933edc3385edfb8e5891059fbf2f0That is all I am going to share. There are some great quotes, statistics, stories. There is SO much more, but I did not want to “spoil” it. This gives you a tiny glimpse of her message. Take the time and take the good.

-Peace out and love to you my friend.  -H



Spring Cleaning for the Soul 2

woman-reading-in-hammockNEW TO YOU: Growth, Challenge, Change.

When most people decide they want or need to personally grow they look to those around them to learn from and then they also dive into the pages of good books. Reading has always been a well-spring for me personally. You can find educated people, people who have struggled and share their stories, adventurous people, people you can learn anything from. Books are a good starting point.

I also believe in just reaching out. If there is someone you want to learn something from–email them. The internet is a gift in that way, that you can connect with anyone. You know I have reached out to  Catherine Johnson(who did Mamma Mia (she was WONDERFUL), shared musical ideas with  Mika(never heard from him or his team), gone straight to book authors for ideas or museums for direction) Reach out. Learn. Grow.

ACTION: I have done my share of coaching classes, retreats, actual coaching of clients, but this tool I came across and thought you may benefit from. Its the ‘GROW’ tool:  This may help you in any life decision. Go for it!

“Don’t go through life, grow through life.” -E Butterworth



largeBEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE & OUT.  Embrace and love your body. It is the most amazing thing you will ever own.

“You are an original, an individual, a masterpiece. Celebrate that; don’t let your uniqueness make you shy. Don’t be someone other than the wonder you are. Every star is important to the sky.”  -Douglas Pagels

ACTION: “When you look at yourself in a mirror, do you like what you see, or do you judge your body and use the word to tell yourself lies? If you believe that you are not attractive enough, then you believe a lie, and you are using the word against yourself, against the truth.”  -Migual Angel Ruiz

“Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.” -BKS Iyengar

How do you take care of your body: 

Take time to exercise

Make sleep a priority–7 to 8 hours at least

Eat well and savor it

Listen to pain

Slow down

Keep a journal because it is therapeutic

Read because it is relaxing and is also a good escape

Have personal self time


Talk to yourself in a positive manner

Positive affirmations

Play. Do things you truly enjoy doing

Learn something new because it not only stimulates your brain, but it invigorates your life

Dont forget to hydrate! You need at least 8 x 8oz glasses



“We rise by lifting others.” -Robert Ingersoll. I LOVE this thought & it rings so true. Think about a time when you did something/anything for another person….YOU were lifted. My sweet daughter was running into the gas station to get me a drink & she always holds the door open for people who are coming and going. She lights up & one man gave a sweet gesture in return. She went up to the cashier to pay & he jumped in to pay. She lit up & he gave her a fist bump. She almost skipped out of the gas station & lit up as she shared the details of the story. Something so small (holding a door open) lit up his day and hers. We truly do rise by doing even little things for others.

“Spread LOVE everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving HAPPIER.” -Mother Teresa


Seek /create opportunities to serve.

Be the reason someone SMILES today.

Send someone an encouraging note.

Pay it forward. Be generous in opening a door, allowing someone to go in front of you in line, get your mom a drink. smile.

Ask God if there is some way you can serve another.


ed4a6334ee35d635282ee8e090e1f577PLAY. FIND JOY. BELIEVE in MAGIC…be young at heart

” The heart that LOVES is always young.” -unknown.    “To a young heart, everything is fun.” -Charles Dickens.    “The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age.” -Aldus Huxley.


READ: Take time to read your favorite classic stories.

TINKER: Figure out how something works.

PLAY: Skip, Explore, Create, Be silly, climb a tree, do bubbles, collect rainbows, daydream

HAVE A PICNIC: eat outside, something you loved as a child. (chicken nuggets, yogurt, cheese puffs, etc), fly a kite, play a lawn game, look at the clouds, lay on a blanket.

CREATE: Make a card or something hand made and gift it to someone. Be CREATIVE: Doodle, dress-up, make-believe, have theme days/parties, tell a tale w voices.

COOK: Learn something new & get messy.

IMAGINE: use your creativity & make something colorful, bright and imaginative.

GO OUTSIDE: throw rocks, paint a rock, skip down a path, make something from nature, take a picture, breathe in the fresh air, play in the dirt, shoot an arrow.

SMILE & LAUGH: tell jokes, watch a funny movie.

DANCE: be free to move & play your favorite tunes.

NAP: Take a nap & not care what time it is.

Be CURIOUS: want to learn about something–stop & ask. Read up on a topic or ask an expert. learn, grow.

WONDER: See the magic everywhere. Life is awesome!


8778035b1067fcd00d00070776aac23bREMEMBER YOU ARE LOVE

Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Hello. Happy March 1. It is the beginning of a beautiful month and a perfect time to ask yourself some great personal questions. Kind of a Spring Cleaning for your Soul.

My daughter just turned 14! ahhh! Time goes by so quickly. One thing I wanted to give her for her birthday was an inspirational book that I made full of quotes, activities, questions and ideas to help give her life VALUE. When we feel we have values in our life, our life is richer with purpose and reason. I thought I would put together some ideas that you can run with, think about and incorporate into your own life.



I think understanding what your VALUES are in life is key. You may already live by certain values OR maybe you are not sure what they would be. Here is a good exercise to get you started. There are lots of value exercises out there, but here is one to get you started…I would suggest your circle the top 8-10 and then from there narrow down your top 3 or 4. Post them in a visible place to remind you.





FAITH is another good thing to have within your life. “Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.”  -Sonia Ricotti     I think as humans we have a very hard time letting go and allowing. Faith is a step that you take to show you believe in something bigger than yourself.

ACTION: As a little reminder: just step outside at night, look at the stars and know how truly small you are.




FOLLOW YOUR HEART  Your heart is like an inner compass, connected to all things good. When you are able to learn to listen and be guided by this inner compass, then you will be led to good things for your life. Each step in the journey of life is important & the best map is held within your heart. Follow it.  It is a divine treasure.

‘FEELINGS’ are a BIG indicator when following your heart. I learned this simple lesson & it was an ‘aha’ to my life. It is SO simple: If something (a decision, a conversation, an experience, etc FEELS ‘GOOD’ or ‘BAD’ then you follow that guidance. Everything you do will give you a feeling that is either good or bad. You cannot FEEL both at the same time. Follow that inner guidance at all times and your heart will make it feel so.

ACTION:  Make a list of things your heart desires for your life: a bucket list if you wish. This list will be great inspiration and will help you follow your dreams. Your deepest interests and aspirations for your life will come from the guidance of your heart.




BE YOU   Be yourself no matter what anyone else thinks. God made you the way you are for beautiful reasons. He has given you gifts, strengths, talents & has made you unique.  Besides, an original is always worth more than a copy!   “Being the best is great, you’re the number one. Being unique is greater, you’re the only one.” -unknown

ACTION: Ask yourself these questions–What are some ways you can become or discover more about yourself? [take a personality test, write down things that make you happy/sad, etc]

What unique skills, strengths and abilities do you have? Write down what you feel you are good at. What awards or certificates have your received? What motivates you to do better? What strengths do you feel are you? What do you like to share with others? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What are some characteristics you admire in others?



blendinBE A LIGHT My favorite quote ever…speaks volumes about being a light. Love it.3abb3ea07eadb814b972960e9f70de91

ACTION: How to become someone that shines brightly from the inside out.

Have positive self-talk. How? Affirmations are a good start. Say positive things to yourself each day.  “I am happy to be me.”  “I am a vibrant being of love and light.” What I say to myself: “I am beautiful, healthy, fit and trim. I am love and light.”  No matter what–be kind to yourself. Don’t say things you would not say to a good friend.  Cultivate positive beliefs about yourself.

Self-love. Learning to love and respect yourself and your body takes practice.  Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Nourish your body with good foods and exercise. Have personal boundaries by surrounding yourself with positive influences, being able to say no and not allowing others to take away your power. Work really hard to not let others opinions matter so much. Be yourself.

Listen within. Follow your heart and your inner guidance. You are the only one that can feel what is right for your life. If you feel guided to do something, listen. Begin to tune in to the signals and guidance you get from within.

Know your personal values and live by them. When we violate the values that keep us in alignment, we violate the person that we truly are.

Don’t aim to please others . Don’t worry about how others view you . Learn all you can about yourself . Learn to appreciate who you are .  Be confident with who you are . Forgive yourself . Stop being negative about yourself . Find and do hobbies that you love . Learn from mistakes . Set goals and strive for what you want to accomplish

REMEMBER THIS: “Be the light that helps others see.”


Those are a few spring cleaning actions for the SOUL. I will write another one to accompany this, but I figured this is a good start for today.

