Purpose? That is the big question

I think that no matter what age, there is always that little voice pushing you to go deeper, to find something greater, to find something within you that makes you want to give of yourself & share it with the world. Is that purpose?

That is my question for you today. Are we all on purpose or are we continually seeking things within us or outside us that give us purpose?

Here is what I found around the beautiful internet universe!! Enjoy!


Wow! that is quite a statement. You can look at it a couple of different ways–If you have a cause to stand for, then your life will have more purpose OR If you just GO through life it will have no cause or reason. You will have no effect on anything.

Is that true?

Well…have your heard of the BUTTERFLY EFFECT? EveryTHING has an effect. The question is, Will you have positive or negative effects?  Will your purpose be from your personal truth?

I LOVE Andy Andrews work & in this clip he tells about the butterfly effect. Its amazing! Its a ten minute clip worth the watch. He also has many incredible books that weave true stories with life lessons.


PURPOSE CAN CHANGE THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE. Some people may find theirs early in life, while others may take their lifetime. Purpose is ongoing. You have your whole life to find various gifts and share them with the world.

At this point in your life, what do you feel is your purpose? Here are some others thoughts at various ages.


TO HELP FIND PURPOSE With over 9M views I figured this would be worth the watch & its a Ted talk. 5 easy questions to help you find purpose for your life.

Well, I hope all these videos get you thinking about where you are at and where you want to be. Life is about challenging ourselves to grow on different levels. We have a steady path that desires us to follow, but are we listening? Are we seeking within to know where to go? Are we taking the time to find greater purpose? Are we having a positive or negative effect? What can you do?

Make it an amazing day!  -Ha39711c8f9c653600db7374d8272a8bf--purpose-of-life-quotes-quotes-pics


GREAT STORIES to keep you going

Sometimes I think we all have little dreams that are seeds that continually strive to grow within us, fighting for us to help them push through to the surface of our lives. We get caught in the ‘busy,’ the time stealers & forget that we have hidden dreams that want to find their wings.

Lately, I have been feeling like my  life has been lots of different directions without any true purpose, so I have been trying to tap into more creativity.  There is something about stopping and asking yourself what you want to accomplish & then seeking to find a little seed within & nurturing it to grow.

We all need that. Take a minute and ask yourself about a forgotten dream, an unrealized goal, a little part of you that tugs internally.  What is it saying? What is it desiring of you?

Here are some great stories about people who have tapped into something they desired to do & where it led them. Enjoy.

e46123b5cd2ab5774c0e9ff1d97928f1GRANDMA GATEWOOD

Even now, six decades later, Emma Gatewood’s story still resonates.

Grandma Gatewood, as she became known, was the first woman to hike the entire 2,050 miles of the Appalachian Trail by herself in 1955. She was 67 years old at the time, a mother of 11 and grandmother of 23. She’d survived more than 30 years of marriage to a brutal husband who beat her repeatedly.

Gatewood hiked the trail carrying a homemade knapsack and wearing ordinary sneakers — she wore out six pairs of them in 146 days from May to September. She  brought a blanket and a plastic shower curtain to protect her from the elements, but she didn’t bother with a sleeping bag, a tent, a compass or even a map, instead relying on the hospitality of strangers along the way and her own independent resourcefulness. She’d sleep in a front porch swing, under a picnic table or on a bed of leaves when necessary, and she ate canned Vienna sausages, raisins and peanuts plus greens she found on the trail and meals offered by strangers.

Her story, as author Ben Montgomery describes it, is one of “overcoming hardship and finding yourself and finding peace.”

Her story doesn’t stop with that first hike. Gatewood returned to thru-hike (hiking straight through in less than 12 months) again in 1957, making her the first person, male or female, to successfully tackle the Appalachian Trail twice. Gatewood said the second time was so she could enjoy it. She completed the trail again in 1964, doing it in sections, becoming the first to hike it three times.

In 1959 she headed west, walking from Independence, Mo. to Portland, Ore. as part of the Oregon Centennial celebration. She left two weeks after a wagon train, but passed it in Idaho. The trip covered nearly 2,000 miles and took 95 days.

Emma Rowena Caldwell was born in 1887 on an Ohio farm, one of 15 children, the daughter of a disabled Civil War veteran. She traded the hard life of the farm for marriage at age 19 to Percy Gatewood, but life didn’t get any easier.

For more than 30 years, “she put up with being married to a stubborn, ignorant, hard-fisted man who beat her over and over again,” Montgomery said.

Then one night he broke her teeth and cracked a rib, nearly killing her. A sheriff’s deputy arrived at the house, and arrested Emma, not Percy. She spent a night in jail until the mayor of the small West Virginia town where they lived intervened when he saw her blackened eyes and bloodied face.

She managed to get a divorce — unheard of in those days — and raised her last three children alone.

Sometime in the 1950s she saw a “National Geographic” magazine article about the Appalachian Trail. Her daughter, Lucy Gatewood Seeds, has said in interviews she believes the fact that no woman had yet hiked the trail presented a challenge to her mother. An obituary quoted daughter Rowena saying her mother stated, “If those men can do it, I can do it.”

Gatewood attempted the trail in 1954, starting in Maine, but broke her glasses and gave up, determined to try again. She did the following spring.

You can read more about this amazing woman in Ben Montgomery, a Pulitzer Prize finalist and reporter for the Tampa Bay Times, wrote “Grandma Gatewood’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail.” Published in April 2014

This was taken from https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2015/01/05/grandma-gatewood-survived-domestic-violence-to-walk-the-appalachian-trail-alone-at-67/?utm_term=.8d57d9a04be8



Once Upon A Time, there was a girl named Taylor. When she sat down to eat lunch in her school cafeteria, the girls she’d once called friends stood up and moved to another table. They had cast Taylor out of their clique because instead of going to parties with them on weekends, she’d stay home and write songs on her guitar. The outsider landed a development deal with a record company and moved with her parents to Nashville. She would go on to become the first artist since the Beatles—and the only woman—to record three consecutive albums that spent six or more weeks at number one. Taylor Swift is still writing songs and once told a Nebraska audience, “What does it matter if you didn’t have any friends in high school when you’ve got 15,000 of your closest friends coming to see you in Omaha?”  -taken from Oprah, The Power of Quirk


Here is a video I made a couple years ago that I thought would fit perfectly into this topic. Enjoy


Seek something you need for your life and push through to do it!!

Enjoy your day!  -H

MIRACLES do exist

311110_385202528224779_2027020950_nI just got off the phone with my Dad who was expressing his concern for my brother. We have lived for many years in worry and concern for my brother. When he was a teenager he was determined to end his life driving my parents Ford Taurus off a canyon cliff & miraculously survived. He has tried to take pills to end his life and now he is trying to drink the pain away from so many things in his life.

BROTHER, this post is for YOU. YOUR life is for a greater purpose if you will take the time to notice how precious your life is. You have two, beautiful children & a very patient wife who has been there for over twenty years. You have too much to offer the world. BELIEVE there is a greater purpose for you and begin to live that!! Love you. YOU have your own miracle story that is YOURS. Be mindful of why you are still alive & know you are loved.

I wanted to share these stories to show YOU and anyone out there who may need to hear something that holds some hope.

Since it is 9/11 I will share one miracle story from that tragic day & then some other stories that may shed some light for you in your dark world.

x_30_mj_911surfer_120829Yesterday I watched a tv special called 9/11 surfer. It was about a man who literally was swept up in a wave of air and traveled from the 22nd floor to land on top of the heap of rubble at the final wreckage of the twin towers.  He literally woke up & saw blue sky & thought he was in another life. He was sitting on top of a heap of rubble. He then heard firemen. It is an unbelievable miraculous story. Check the whole story out here. Its amazing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2198838/9-11-Survivors-Pasquale-Buzzelli-survived-surfing-wave-falling-debris-speaks-miracle.html


hqdefaultThere is a great book I have been reading by Squire Rushnell called, “When God winks at YOU.” It is full of great stories like the following. Stories of hope, coincidence (or not. smile. smile) and the feeling that everything has divine timing & purpose.

Mavis had driven past the Crystal Cathedral every day for 20 years on her way to work in Anaheim. And every day she said, “Someday I’m going to go there.” One Sunday morning she arose and announced, “Today’s the day.”

She arrived early and found a nice spot in the center of the 3000-seat all-glass structure. She marveled as the choir and orchestra filled the cathedral with beautiful music and the glass ceiling rolled back so that even the birds were allowed to come into the sanctuary. At the end of the service she stood, bursting with joy, and turned to the young woman who’d been seated next to her, saying, “I’m so glad I came today!” Then added, “Are you from around here?” “No,” said the young woman. “I’m from the Midwest. I’m here on a mission…to find my birth mother.” There was a pause. Then Mavis said, “I know how you must feel, I once had to give up a little girl for adoption…I didn’t want to, but I had to.” There was another pause. The young woman looked deeply into Mavis’ eyes. “Do you…remember her birthday?” “Yes,” said Mavis, “October 30th.” (gasp) “That’s my birthday!” said the young woman. In a matter of moments they were able to establish, that through some incredible miracle…an extraordinary divine alignment…that they were mother and daughter reunited! And they knew that Mother’s Day would never be the same again.

For years, this story was told by the pastor of Crystal Cathedral, Robert Schuller. The reunion of Mavis and her long-lost daughter reinforces that you and I are each on a grand GPS…I call it…God’s Positioning System. Through divine alignment…and His small still voice…He nudges us to do something, go somewhere, to take an action. And what a comfort it is to know that He is always directing our paths. -Squire Rushnell


stuck-in-snow-_antiksu_-_Fotolia_largeI don’t have a religious preference & I LOVE stories from every faith that show that miracles happen EVERYWHERE to EVERY faith. A favorite angel story book I have read was by Joan Anderson called “Where Angels Walk: True stories of Heavenly Visitors” A collection of stories by regular people. It is a great read. Here is one story to give you an idea. Joan began collecting these stories after her son had a heavenly intervention. Here is a sample of the two stories that she likes to tell:

My son’s story is my favorite, of course. He and two friends were traveling across country on a terribly cold night. Their car broke down in a deserted cornfield and they would probably have frozen to death there (some people did that night). But a tow truck driver appeared, hitched them up, took them to safety and when they got out of the car and turned around to pay him, he was gone, and so was his truck.

This is compelling because:

  • there was more than one person seeing the same thing
  • it was a state of emergency and no rescue vehicles were then on the road
  • there were no tracks left in the snow by the truck
  • it was my son!

I have also loved the story of the two pilots in a very small plane flying in fog, and unable to land.

A voice came over the speaker and talked them down into a small airport, where they landed safely. They discovered as they got out of the plane that the airport was closed, and no one was on duty. Further, they were so off course that no other airport could have contacted them.   -full article interview with Joan 



familywalkOne last 9/11 story that I have posted before, but it is too good not to share.

I am The Human WakeUp Call. My story reminds people that life is a gift and every day counts. It’s time to wake up to the fact that none of us have endless tomorrows, even though we might be living as if we do. Contrary to the frequent fear-driven messages we hear, this is a lesson of finding the possibility for change, then pursuing it. It’s the small, consistent changes we make that lead to big differences.

I wasn’t always on this WakeUp call mission however. Like so many others, during my career I never played a very active role in where I headed. The promotions and job changes were spaced out well enough to give me the illusion of progress, but in reality I simply ‘floated down the river’ letting life take me from one place to another. None of it truly felt like it was my ‘right’ work. I was not really happy, but moderately comfortable.

Then, one day when I was in my thirties, the ‘river’ I was floating in took me to another Fortune 500 company and I found myself in yet another j-o-b. Great people, the work was fine but yet again, it didnt feel like it tied into something more meaningful for me (even though I had no idea what that would be). I had just moved to Connecticut from New York City and the new office was all the way in downtown Manhattan, increasing my commute from 25 minutes to more than two hours each way! Each morning my wife would drive me to the train station with our one-year-old daughter sleeping in back, tucked sweetly into her car seat. I would come home each night and my little girl would be exactly as I left her, asleep in the backseat as my wife waited in the parking lot for my train to arrive. Days would go by where I wouldn’t see her awake at all. Children look peaceful while sleeping, but seeing her mostly in that state started to remind me that this was not the kind of parent I wanted to be, absent from her waking world.

I soon found myself wishing away my weekdays, hoping for each one to finish sooner than the clock would allow, in favor of the weekend and time – awake! – with my family. I realized that my work felt unimportant to me yet AGAIN, I felt out of place AGAIN, and I didn’t know what to do about it. My wife was taking care of our daughter and upkeep on our new home so I was the sole financial provider. However, I didn’t know what would fulfill me and had no direction. So I did what many people in that situation do – nothing. After all, life was just fine… wasn’t it?

Then, one Monday afternoon, I was sitting outside my office having lunch. It was a beautiful late summer day in New York where the sky was a stunning cerulean blue with not a cloud in sight. As I sat there enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face, I felt more grounded than I had in a long while. I looked up at my office building and was overcome by the sense that somehow it controlled my life. I realized at that moment that I HAD to make a change… even if it was a small change. A new intention was born.

This time had to be different! I had to take action. So I decided that the next morning, instead of rushing to catch the early train in keeping with my new morning ritual, I would take a later train so I could have a nice relaxing breakfast with my wife and (awake) daughter. I remember smiling at the thought thinking this was a good first step. Not a big step, but at least a new beginning. One of the most important lessons I realized from that small decision was that nothing would change until I changed it. It was clear that I would never FIND the time. I had to CREATE it!

The next morning my wife, surprised to see that I was already dressed and ready to go, asked quizzically, “I thought you were taking the later train today?” She asked me whether we were still having breakfast together or if she should drive me to the station so I could make my normal train. Little did I know, at that moment, I was standing at the crossroads of my life and my answer to that innocent question would determine my fate.

The chatter in my head started: “Do I just take the early train and have breakfast together another day? Will my daughter even be aware that we’re having breakfast? Do I risk going in late? Will I get in trouble at work? I’ve only been there a few months, can I even do this?” But then I had a moment of truth and my true values came forth to guide me, stirring something inside me and stopping my hesitation. “No,” I said to her. “The whole point of the morning was to have breakfast together, so let’s have breakfast together. I’ll catch the next train.” It was a simple declaration; as innocent a decision as if made on any other day of my life.

So we spent some wonderful time together having breakfast in our small dining room. It was another beautiful morning and I looked at my family and just smiled. I had known my wife since we met on a Junior High School trip to Quebec in 9th grade and I knew the moment I saw her that she was the “one”. Here we were 18 years later and I was living the reality of my dreams. Life was good!

She dropped me off and I took the train into New York City, smiling the whole way. I’m sure I looked out of place among the cranky faces of so many other commuters who were beaten down by the many hours they had spent getting in and out of the city at such a cost. But nothing could bother me that day – I felt I had some control of my life! It felt great!

I got on the subway, and instead of being in my office, I was underground at 8:45am when the first plane slammed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, into my floor, hitting my desk. Most of the members of my group were up there when it happened, including my boss and team. The morning I had breakfast with my family just happened to be September 11, 2001.

So now you see why I feel compelled to share my story with you and why I recreated my career to serve as a WakeUp Call for others – so you don’t have to experience a tragedy or a near miss to wake up to the possibility of your life. So you stop drifting downstream looking back at your life asking ‘why?’ and instead turn around to look forward and say, ‘What now? Where do I want to go?’ So you and the many thousands of people I now work with can stop ‘losing’ precious days.

In many ways my life began anew the day before that memorable day in September, but not for the reason that you may think. Most people believe that it was my close brush with death that changed my outlook on life. Yet my feeling of being alive and having control over my life spread a smile over my face long before I arrived to see my office engulfed in flames. It wasn’t the fact that I didn’t die on September 11, but instead the reality that I had already begun living on September 10.

In the simple act of choosing a small step toward my larger goal, I had turned myself around to face downstream and take responsibility for the direction in my life. Sometimes we give in to the illusion that we have no control over our lives. Yet small decisions can make big differences in your life. Do you realize that life is a gift and every single day counts? You don’t have endless tomorrows and the ‘some day’ you are waiting for may never come.

I gave up my comfortable corporate life and chose what for me is a harder road. Today I am a business and personal leadership coach, sharing my message and empowering others through individual and team coaching, mentoring, workshops, seminars and keynote speaking. I have been blessed to have touched people across the US, in Canada, Europe and even as far away as Nigeria in Africa. I love my family and my life as much as ever (including my son who has since been born.) Now, I even love my work! How can you live any other way?

If you feel that you have no control over your life, it’s time to find one small thing you can do to move your life in a better direction. You may have continued down uninspired paths because you were simply stuck or afraid or uncertain of how to break this powerful spell. But if you can find one thing to change, one thing that makes you feel more alive, then you must do it.

September 10th was a day that looked just like any other day. That day was my wake-up call. Today is yours! Today is that ‘someday’ you’ve been waiting for. Ready to get started?

(Note: My story is included in my new book, “Wake Up! Your Life is Calling.” Click here to get started today.)

– See more at: http://www.humanwakeupcall.com/mikes-story/#sthash.13xue3Km.dpuf


YOU are NOT alone. LOVE to you.

The little things

9d22674070c5fd67d7f4229743c0d5d8Over the weekend my daughter and I went to a few garage sales to see if we could find any hidden treasures. While we were out I found a wooden cuckoo clock from Germany. I would probably have passed it by, but I have such fond childhood memories of a cuckoo clock my mother had. I remember as a little girl waiting for the little bird to come out of the door and cuckoo. Oh, the delight!! So, when I saw this clock in a shoe box I had to ask how much & when she told me she would take $7, I knew it was worth that just in the memories it will create for my daughter.

Now, truth be told, I have no idea how a cuckoo clock works, so I began to look on youtube and see what I could learn. It was so fun to learn about something so foreign to me. I learned a few things, moved some chains, hung some weights and waited for anything to happen. It was a joy for my daughter and I to sit and wait for the little bird to come out and tweet. We lit up with excitement when it did & we waited twice every hour for it to happen again. It’s the little things…

Though, it cuckooed at the wrong time, SO we knew something had to be tweaked. I knew I had to find a professional to give it a look over & make sure the time would work correctly. I looked online to see if I could find anyone who fixes clocks. Believe me when I say that it was not easy to find someone. I believe it must be an ancient art of some kind. I finally found a guy & on his web site he proudly announced he has three generations of clock wizards. I could not wait to see & meet this man who still worked and made a living working with clocks.

My daughter and I visited his home yesterday. Oh, the fun!! We drove to his home & knew it was the house because there was a large clock in the front yard. Then on both cars in the drive way, each license plate said, “Tick-Tock” and the other “Cuckoo.” We delighted in their fun sentiments of what they do. We walked through the front yard and enjoyed the cottage feel of someone who you could tell enjoys gardening. We rang the bell and this very jolly man came to the door. We walked inside & marveled at all the clocks that were everywhere. And then, we had arrived just in time as the hour hands all hit the hour!! So many delightful songs, chimes, dongs…it was amazing. We all smiled at each other & I said, “Wow! How wonderful!” It truly was magical.

He then looked at our little clock & knew right away the little tweaking it needed. As he was looking over our clock I asked him a few questions about his work & he opened a hidden door to another room & there stood a very old clock from the 1850’s. I marveled at the thought of working on something so old & imagined the gears, saw the wood, the hanging weights, it was something to see. I asked him what the oldest clock he had ever worked on was & he explained that someone had brought him a clock from the 1600’s and he beamed as he shared how that was a fun one to figure out. You could tell he truly enjoyed his work and had a passion for fixing clocks.

He then told us a few ‘musts’ about our little clock & ended with, “but the most important thing you must do, you must give it a name.” I smiled in delight. I teased him right back and said, “So (I gestured and pointed around the room at his clocks) all of these clocks have names?” He laughed, “No, but I do love what I do. Can’t you tell?” I smiled and agreed. It was such a fun, unexpected visit.

I think life needs more moments of the “little things” that bring us joys. I think our day to days can become standard and mundane, but our hearts yearn for growth, to learn something new, to see new places, to meet new people, to try new things.

It was truly a joy to meet someone I would have probably never met if it weren’t for our little, seven dollar cuckoo!! Oh, the Joys!


IMG_0522Talking about little things, My Mom & Dad popped in yesterday to say hi. My Dad has seemed a little caught in the mundane & lately has been talking about doing a variety of things outside of his “usual.” My Dad has never been much of a dog lover, but he has seemed to try and enjoy my last couple dogs whenever he is around them. I came up with a great idea, I looked at my Dad and said, “Why don’t you take Teag (my dog) on a walk through the forest”(near my home).  I smiled inside knowing what a true adventure it would be if my Dad agreed. Teag gets a little CRAZY on walks. If he sees people, dogs, bikers, runners…he can’t help himself but to start screaming and wants to get them. It is embarrassing, loud & my husband has always hated taking him because of the drama Teag creates for everyone around him.

I waited for my Dad’s response & he looked at my little dog and said, “Do you want to go on a walk?” Teag always gets excited to go on a walk, so my Dad could not refuse. We grabbed the leash and off we went. The whole first part of the walk was quiet and enjoyable & then a bunch of people came out of nowhere. A family of five bikers, two people with dogs, a skate boarder and another biker. My Mom, Myself and my daughter all laughed as we watched my Dad get pulled, spun, tangled up with my daughter, doing all he could to control Teag. At one point he looked at me, “I don’t think I have ever walked a dog in my life. (sarcastically) I wonder why!” He smiled, “I can check this one off my bucket list!” My Dad was worn out & laughing. We were all laughing as my Dad began to strut up the trail, holding Teag’s leash and telling us “I’ve got this!!”

It was a great reminder that no matter what age we all desire challenge, change, the little things that step us out of our comfort zones and help us grow a little.

Cheers to the little JOYS! The little things that make our hearts swell with smiles!!

Enjoy your day!!  -H