Good Reads: Build the Life you want

I was genuinely excited when I heard that Oprah partnered with a Harvard Professor who teaches a course on happiness to write a book. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it and suck up all the knowledge and wisdom these two, incredible people could put together.

The book, “The Art and Science of Getting Happier…Build the Life you Want” is a great read full of interesting studies and the science nuggets that come from them, as well as personal ideas, thoughts, tools and my favorite…a nudge to get out and share…to become the teacher of this great information.

Some key takeaways for me…or my highlighted parts of the book: [there will be MANY posts. There are too many great things to take away]

ME-SEARCH: In the note at the beginning of the book from Arthur, there was a great point that I think anyone who reads, seeks, looks for deeper depths for living, is on an ongoing search & Arthur lovingly called his years of research and seeking…“me-search.” I LOVE that. It is so true. We are all on this life journey seeking the guidance, the stepping stones that get us further, the path that takes us to our hearts desires…every journey, every path, every tutor, every person we connect with, every story, every influence, every book…is me-search.

May we all continue to seek within, to find the deeper depths of who we are, what lights us up, what calls to our hearts, what stirs to be created, what purpose we need to follow. We are each so uniquely given gifts, talents, guidance and we must take the time to unlock the life combinations that lead us to our final destinations.

YIKES. HAPPINESS SLUMP: “Just over the past decade, the percentage of Americans saying they are “not too happy” rose from 10 percent to 24 percent. The percentage of Americans suffering from depression is increasing dramatically, especially among young adults. Meanwhile, the percentage saying they are “very happy” has fallen from 36 percent to 19 percent. These patterns are seen all over the globe too.”

Wow! those stats were crazy and scary to me. Especially for the young adults. I see it all over my daughter’s college campus. Most people don’t smile and connect like they use to. Many are just plugged into AirPods and walk obliviously past others their same age without any type of smile, wave, hello…connection. It is easier. BUT, It is so disconnecting. Young adults are becoming more and more isolated from the real world and getting stuck in unhealthy patterns that are effecting their lives. My daughter’s boyfriend has two roommates and one has not come out of his room for weeks. He has not met one of his roommates because he just stays in his room all day and all night. One of his old room mates would stay in the dorm all day and drink, game and take opioids to avoid being social. There are so many young adults stuck in a variety of bad patterns.

HAPPINESS: What is it? Many people struggle to build happiness because they don’t even know what they are truly looking for. “In the West, happiness is usually defined in terms of excitement and achievement. Meanwhile, in Asia, happiness is most often defined in terms of calm and contentment. Definitions of happiness depend on the word for it.”

The macronutrients of happiness are enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose. The first is enjoyment. This might sound like pleasure—“feeling good.” However, this isn’t correct. Pleasure is animal; enjoyment is completely human.” “Pleasure is easier than enjoyment, but it is a mistake to settle for it, because it is fleeting and solitary. All addictions involve pleasure, not enjoyment. To be happier, you should never settle for pleasure, but rather make it into enjoyment.”

The Second macronutrient of happiness is satisfaction. Its that thrill from accomplishing a goal you worked for…..While satisfaction can bring a huge amount of joy, it is also extremely elusive; you think that meeting a goal will give you permanent satisfaction, but it is, of course temporary…..This is especially true with worldly things like money, power, pleasure, and prestige (or fame).”

The third macronutrient is the most important: purpose. We can make do without enjoyment for a while, and even without a lot of satisfaction. Without purpose, however, we are utterly lost, because we can’t deal with life’s inevitable puzzles and dilemmas. When we do have a sense of meaning and purpose, we can face life with hope and inner peace.”

UNHAPPINESS IS NECESSARY: “When we are sad or angry about something, we may be more likely to fix it. And that, of course, leads us to be happier in the long run.” “Regret leads to learning.”

Unhappiness helps us with creativity. “Research found that among great composers like Beethoven, a 37 percent increase in sadness led to, on average, one extra major composition. The reason for this is that when people are sad, they focus on the unpleasant parts of their lives. This tends to stimulate a part of the brain called the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, which allows us to focus intensely on other complex problems as well—like writing a business plan, or a book, or a symphony—or to figure out a solution to a complicated life problem.”

That is fascinating how unhappiness helps with creativity. That transforms unhappiness to another level, right!?! To me that shares the deeper understanding that even in the moments that sink or seem to lull in life, there is or can be a greater purpose. We may view unhappiness in a new light.


Well, that is all for now. Get the book. Read it. Highlight your own favorites. Books challenge, change, inspire, guide, direct, lead us to greater depths as beings. We should always be striving to live better and build a better life!!

Peace, Love and light to you today. xoxo -H

Little things lesson

I have this lovely woman who is a neighbor of mine and oh, the lessons I seem to always take from her. Her husband who has been battling cancer with infusions for years just had a birthday. We dropped by a small bag of breakfast (freshly baked muffins, oatmeal, a banana) & some other small gifts. It was a smattering of simple gifts. Not a big deal, but I always try to put some intention into gifts (especially because of his sweet wife)

They go by Patty Peace and Jack Joy. I LOVE THAT SO. They are this incredible twosome that she creates the gifts and letters and he drops them off (in a secret manner). We see them always putting about the neighborhood leaving little notes and packages of JOY and PEACE in all they do. We have received dozens of door drop delights! She makes these sweet, homemade ornaments of magazine clipped words and images, glued on to card stock, whole-punched with a ribbon for hanging and a very thoughtful, handwritten note. She will then add additional notes on folded paper and then specially places them in envelopes decorated with more whimsy or she will add them to a shirt box with folded tissue paper with the lovely contents inside and tied with many colors of curling ribbon. There is always so much time, detail and intention made with every one of her delights. I smile and excitedly open the gifts to see what is inside. Sometimes she will add a scarf, bangle bracelets, maybe a hand lotion, a tiny pkg of Kleenex…Lots of little odds and ends of surprises.

I just now received another one of their sweet delights. I read a thank you letter of gratitude for all the little gifts we left for Jacks birthday. She listed every single little thing. She even thanked us for the banana! “Thank you for the banana so perfectly shaped and tasted so Divine that if there had been a scramble to claim it you would have heard from your house, “it’s mine!” haha

She noticed and gave thanks for every detail—even a small heart-shaped rock we included. She wrote such gratitude with every line of her note. It was the sweetest thing.

I put the note down & said, “I learn so many small things from this wonderful woman!” To hear someone be so grateful for a simple banana. It touched me so. I immediately felt like I can always do better and better. To aspire to be more like Patty Peace.

We talk to people daily. We pass strangers by all the time, we receive gifts of care from neighbors, we share in so many moments with a variety of people…all connections…

may we begin to notice a smile and give thanks. may we leave a secret note for a stranger. may we give thanks for the tiny, small graces that we are gifted each day…like a banana.

I love that!!

Make it a lovely day full of little, sweet surprises that you begin to notice within every detail.

xoxo. -H



ASPIRE direct one’s hopes or ambitions towards achieving something. Rise high.

ESPRIT the quality of being lively, vivacious, or witty. It’s a French word that’s been used in English since the 16th century, literally meaning “spirit,” “soul,” or “mind,” from the Latin root spiritus, “spirit.” “Esprit.” 

esprit de corps


es·​prit de corps i-ˌsprē-də-ˈkȯr 

the common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group

For some reason I am thinking about my brother I just lost almost 4 months ago. We grew up in the 80’s and I will forever have sweet memories of looking at ads of Esprit, United Colors of Benetton, Swatch—all the BRIGHT colors, the fun styles, the happy faces of the people in the ads. For some reason, I had a collection of Esprit ads that were huge images of random people & little bios (like the ad above) of who they were. I LOVED seeing the faces of people and then learning about them, their dreams, who they are, what they want. As a teen, it was so fun to see others aspirations.


ASPIRATIONS are ongoing. I don’t care how old you become, there are still dreams you hold. Dreams take hold of you with a simple idea and hope the wings of the idea will some day take flight. I love that visual. The dreams within us are always seeking to fly free. They swirl within, they seek your energy and momentum to move them, they dig deeper for your desire and then they help you take off and soar a little higher. Dreams lift you. They help you rise. They are the aspirations of your life.

I look at my neighbor who is 69 and she has someone working on art for a children’s book she has written, she still talks about a play she would like to write. She just called me up to share another story idea that came to her from a visual near the ocean.

I am constantly thinking and dreaming of how to help people with courses I could create, to start a non-profit that just buys acres of trees to save them, to finish a course in Positive Psychology, to write books, create art, help single moms…my lists could go on and on. smile. smile.

I have another neighbor who is in her mid 70’s and she and her husband decided to move to Portugal on a whim. They took a trip there to see if they liked it, sold everything in their home, have been taking Portuguese lessons, had all the lengthy documentation done and are moving there next month!

Every person is different. Every aspiration is different. My husbands dreams may be a bit different than mine. He misses living in our landlocked home state of Utah. I have enjoyed living on the Oregon coast. Yesterday, we were talking to a stranger at a roadside pullout & he was explaining how he had a few business locations & his dream is finally to be here on the coast. I looked at my husband and said, “See how blessed we are. We are already living some people’s dreams.”

Everyone has a variety of dreams that are all their own–whether its having a child, working their dream job, becoming a race car driver, a published author, running a candy shop, speaking at a Ted conference, becoming a chef, building a dream house or living in a specific place. Every aspiration is different for every individual.

So, how can we reach a little higher? How can we take a tiny step toward the sky? I would say, Follow what lights up your “esprit” [soul, spirit]. Evaluate and ask yourself, What brightens or lights you up? What can you include in your daily routine that fills you up with energy? What gets you excited? What ideas keep coming back or wanting your attention?

Are there things you can do to move toward your dream? Think of it like planning a vacation. Where do you want to go? [destination or goal], How can you get there? [variety of options or opportunities to get you from point A to point B], What do you want to do? [action plans or smaller steps to overall idea], create a map of ideas and brainstorm and then go…begin…fly.

Get it on paper. Dreams need a destination, a place to land. If you don’t put your dreams and aspirations on paper with guidelines, direction, goals, dates and determinations, then the dreams will just float along. They need you to grab them, use their wings to propel them to their proper destination.

Give it some brain power—your thoughts definitely have power, so make sure you have a visual plan (vision board of ideas), create a daily mantra to help propel your vision, and always remember how capable and brilliant you are. DONT limit yourself by questioning if you have what it takes to follow and fly to your higher aspirations.

Give aspirations your time–before your life passes you by and your calendar is full. Set a time for your dreams and aspirations. Block some time into your day (like you would exercise) to plan, to create, to work details, to help lift the dream a little higher. Give yourself the time you need to make it fly.

I know for me, when I was interested and creating children’s books I took a class from a published author, went to a local book seminar, met with literary agents, sent my book out…When I was working and dreaming about a musical screenplay, I found a way to contact the woman who wrote the movie Mama Mia to have her share thoughts and lessons learned. [even if the dreams don’t get published, you still have to chase it & do your best with no regrets] there are always avenues to research, people to connect with, actions to take, mentors to make. Dreams and aspirations need you to help them find the way into the world.

What can you learn that will help your aspiration grow? Is there a skill you could learn that would help your confidence in pursuing something? Is there a mentor or class you could take to help you learn more about chasing a particular dream.

Just begin. If you have an internal argument about waiting to start because of timing, bills, kids, etc. you will always find some type of excuse that will stop you from beginning. Think about one small step and begin there. The momentum of any idea needs to have the space and energy to grow into something greater.

Best, heartfelt wishes for your dreams and aspirations.

May you find your wings that will take you higher and higher.

xoxo -H