Look for the GOOD


There has been a lot of FEAR, NEGATIVITY, and JUDGEMENT, BUT I also think there have been incredible stories of HOPE. These are the situations within our world that make us come together, that help us see others, that remind us of the human spirit and that we are all connected.

Over the weekend I watched the televised in-home concerts of musicians all around the world & reminded my daughter that she will never see anything like this again. It is wonderful to see so many come together no matter what religion, what political party, no matter what state or fame they may have. It has been incredible to see people singing from rooftops around the world & coordinating via social media times to celebrate and cheer on the frontline health workers who are working tirelessly. It is humbling to see the photos of hospital workers’ faces bruised and bleeding from wearing the masks and equipment for so long. It is heartbreaking to hear the stories that one spouse died, but the other survived or that a couple both passed within hours of one another while holding hands.

There are soo many stories that break, that humble, that touch us on a deeper level. We need this emotion, this unearthed sensitivity to those around us, to a world that is broken but also needs so much healing. In a way, this is a very big wake-up call on many levels. May we listen and may we humbly pray for healing and to be where we need to be to learn, to love and to serve.

I look out my windows and I see so many people out walking with their loved ones and it is a beautiful thing to see people connecting. I have never seen so many people outside. Being outside is itself a healing gift that is given daily for those who take advantage of it. It is wonderful to see so many Fathers out playing or doing yard work with their children. We are seeking good things together and that is a very good thing.

May you continually seek good. May you take this time, as my husband calls it, “a hold.” The world seems to be on hold and everyone is waiting for the outcome. Instead of being ON HOLD May we have HOPE and HOLD ON TOGETHER.


Go to MSN Good News and daily read the new stories that are GOOD.

Get outside. Go on a walk, a bike ride, garden, do chalk art, take pictures, anything that feeds the soul.

Limit the news and media. There is soo much that can and will bring you down. If you can focus on good stories then you will feel better. Plus you need to be careful with what sources you believe. There are truth and lies out there, so be aware. Be safe.

Do drive-by LOVE. My sister-in-law had a birthday & her friends decorated their own cars and did a special parade in front of her home to let her know she was loved.      My little family put together little “Quarantine Kits” full of popcorn, a movie, a little family activity and dropped them by to everyone in my family. We kept our distance but dropped them some love.

Keep those at risk safe: Inform family and friends that your loved one is following the guidelines and is at risk. We made care packages for loved ones at risk full of activities, movies, little gifts to open, word searches, puzzles, etc. Anything to help them with boredom. Keep in touch with them for any personal needs.

Ways to Serve: Think of ways you could serve safely at this time.

Meals on wheels may be looking for people to help. Here is a link you can contact https://meals-on-wheels.com/sign-up-to-be-an-on-call-volunteer/?mod=article_inline

Call your local food bank to see if they have anything you can do to help.

Call and check on neighbors via text or phone. Many people are also face-timing or gathering many people together on zoom. Connect. You can also help out a great org that is reaching out to elderly https://mailchi.mp/39f288f79cd8/dorots-passover-package-delivery-sunday-march-2661959?e=f071038a0e

Care & Share Another great service that is connecting people with helping others with personal needs https://www.mutualaidhub.org/

Thank your local heroes. There are grocery store workers, delivery personnel, teachers who are teaching from a new platform they are not use to, local health workers, local police and fire….so many to list, but do something to show your thanks and that you care. Bake cookies, make signs, write notes of thanks, etc. In my neighborhood someone put a large thank you note on our local elementary & hung a line out in front for others to drop a note of thanks to the local teachers. So sweet.

Connect through fun. Someone drew chalk quotes all along my local walking path. It was so inspiring and fun to see someone trying to spread good.  One of my dear friends who lives two hours away from me was telling me how here tiny town had a few cars decorated and they were driving down the neighborhood roads honking and inviting others to join in their parade. They were trying to lift spirits of others.

Buy local. Get out of your house and get lunch, grab dinner to go and have a picnic. Use your local resources and help them continue to survive.

Make your own sanitizer from home: [from market watch article] Anne Marie Helmenstine, who holds a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences, posted a tutorial online for how to make it. It may take your mind off the plunge in the stock markets, although some health experts say homemade versions may not be very effective. Here are the ingredients and equipment you would need:

  • 2/3 cup 99% rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) or ethanol
  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
  • 8-10 drops essential oil, optional (such as lavender, vanilla, peppermint, grapefruit)
  • Bowl and spoon
  • Funnel
  • Recycled liquid soap or hand sanitizer bottle


Take care of YOU. Be KIND and focus on LOVE over FEAR. We WILL get through this and if we can find the GOOD then we will come out better in the end.

Peace, Love and Light to you today.  -H

Looking for the GOOD in all this


I just LOVE Bindi. She has been through challenges and continues to inspire and guide in goodness. She is a great role model for many. LOVE the work she does.

The outspoken wildlife warrior posted a quote written by ‘Walk the Earth’ writer Nikki Banas on her Instagram page. ‘If you only carry one thing throughout your entire life, let it be hope,’ the 21-year-old shared.'If you only carry one thing your entire life, let it be hope':  Bindi Irwin has shared a message of 'hope' with her Instagram followers amid the coronavirus pandemic

‘Let it be hope that better things are always ahead. Let it be hope that you can get through even the toughest of times. Let it be hope that you are stronger than any challenge that comes your way.’

PRINCE HARRY & MEGHAN – “These are uncertain times. And now, more than ever, we need each other,” their post read. “We need each other for truth, for support, and to feel less alone during a time that can honestly feel quite scary. There are so many around the world who need support right now, who are working tirelessly to respond to this crisis behind the scenes, on the frontline, or at home. Our willingness, as a people, to step up in the face of what we are all experiencing with COVID-19 is awe-inspiring. This moment is as true a testament there is to the human spirit.”

“We often speak of compassion,” they continued. “All of our lives are in some way affected by this, uniting each of us globally. How we approach each other and our communities with empathy and kindness is indisputably important right now.”


PEOPLE DOING WHAT THEY CAN to make a positive difference during these challenging times.




THANK YOU MSN for your GOOD NEWS section!


You can always find GOOD stories here.

Here are some of my favorite stories to inspire from MSN

Restaurant regular stuns staff by tipping $9,400 to help. On the reciept, the patron wrote: “Hold tip to pay your guys over the next few weeks.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/good-news/restaurant-regular-stuns-staff-by-tipping-dollar9400-to-help-with-coronavirus/ar-BB11jMOJ

One man’s birthday GoFundMe raised $16k in 18 hours to help Milwaukee restaurants during virus. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/good-news/this-mans-birthday-gofundme-raised-dollar16k-in-18-hours-to-help-milwaukee-restaurants-during-coronavirus/ar-BB11qTS7


Student delivering groceries for free to the elderly. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/good-news/this-student-is-delivering-groceries-for-free-to-the-elderly-during-coronavirus-outbreak/ar-BB11qnxu

People are also donating funds. A search on the GoFundMe website for “coronavirus” brings up more than 6,000 results, many for Italian hospitals. One campaign for the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan has raised more than 4 million euros ($4.47 million) via the site.

So many other great stories that I am sure change every day—cards to nursing homes, Penguins taking field trips, Property owners tell restaurants to pay staff instead of rent, etc. There are so many good stories if we seek after them.

CHINO High records their concert from home after they could not perform. Very COOL.

LOVE the resilience of this beautiful world. 

A BEAUTIFUL tribute to Italy—a country that has gone through so much

Just great!!



I am doing my best to embrace the little things I am noticing around the world and in my own backyard. There are many fears at the moment, but my state is brimming with the virus & woke up to a 5.7 earthquake yesterday! Talk about FEAR!! I have never experienced an earthquake, so it was definitely scary and the fear set in as my little family loaded our car with essentials (just in case) & then sat around our large table for hours, so we could hide under it we needed to. The fear was real, BUT, with anything life gives, it is what we do with the moments that truly help us grow.  As the day went on I smiled as I noticed a calm reporter sharing earthquake stats. I looked at my daughter, pointed at the television and said, “That reporter was in our front yard about ten years ago covering a story about a huge flooding situation that was going on next to our home. The mountain was flooding, so the city decided to divert the waters down the middle of our neighborhood street into a nearby canal that was next to our home. It was a crazy situation.” I continued to explain to my daughter how there will always be things that happen in life, but what you learn from them will help your life. You learn you can get through tough and scary things. So much of how we react is what we take from any situation.


So, this morning I came across this great article that spreads hope, light and helps take away the fear that has spread across the globe. Read, watch and enjoy this little bit of JOY that definitely overcomes the FEAR across the globe. It is a fun montage of people singing from rooftops across the globe and ends with a great video of everyone clapping to thank hospitals and health workers. It is a feel-good…a good JOY!


Do what you can in your neighborhood.  Put out a positive sign of hope in your yard. Make cookies and secretly leave them on porches. Leave notes of wellness. Leave boxes of chalk for neighbor kids to draw on their driveways. Smile. Ask neighbors if they need anything & drop it at their door with a kind note. The little things will make a big difference.

Focus on the good things I have noticed around my neighborhood… I have seen more than ever, families playing outside together. I have seen Dad’s with their kids and more kids outside than I have ever seen. This is healing time. This is together time. This is what we need to notice. We need to find the moments of JOY that linger…the stories that touch our hearts, the hope that can be amplified by spreading good things, the smiles we share as we walk past others. We can be safe, but also good-spirited. We need to allow LOVE to flow over FEAR.

Find the JOYS A few JOYS–my daughter works at the local aquarium, but it has obviously been closed, so the employees have been doing different things to enjoy their time in an empty aquarium. All the employees were gathering together & doing live presentations at the animal exhibits and posting them online. They were all cheering each other on during the presentations. One of my daughter’s co-workers made a video of herself singing in the shark gallery & sent it to her. Another friend of hers had guy realize life is too short & wanted to ask her on a date. My husband has had multiple people at his work donate their paid time off to give to other workers who need the coverage.

This is what we need to see. This is where we need to focus—-to find the little JOYS.

Peace, Love and Light to all.  -H