Inspired Notes

Life is a funny combination of so many little things.

I enJOY looking at my phone notes to see the variations of interest, thought processes, things that catch my attention or stir my heart in some way. Every now and then I like to compile them here—for my very own sake. Somewhere I can look back and dance with the little notes that make up tiny bits of things that make me, me. We all grow and learn from everything around us–the stories we hear, the songs we listen to, the quotes that stir our soul, the texts from friends…a combinations of so many little things. Hope you can find something here that speaks to YOU.

Be of conviction that you are…



Fitting in is the opposite of belonging

-Brene Brown

Love that!!

Belonging is belonging to yourself first. Speaking your truth, being you and never betraying that

True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are. It requires you to be who you are…and that is vulnerable.


Talk to yourself like someone you love.  -Brene Brown


100 Ideas For Play Dates or Artist Dates

Play dates or artist dates are essential for creative thinking. But as adults, we can forget how to play. Here are 100 ideas to start with. Great list of activities to do


Besos means kisses in Mexican culture


I love you more than Ice cream and that’s saying a lot….Frigophilia is the love/obsession towards cold or frosty stuff!



“Sometimes, all it takes is your smile (even if forced) and a domino effect of smiles happen… infectious.”

– Ace Antonio Hall.


I LOVE murals….

Find a mural(s) in your town and take some fun selfies. Make it a fun date night, family, or friend adventure. Murals bring creativity and color into your life. They spark brilliance.


God gave you the opportunity to show up and experience this life. 

He believes in you and all your possibilities.


-Elizabeth Gilbert podcast

Not quoted—essence of what she said for a good life…


A mother

Is the heart of LOVE for a family. How does she do her best work if she is tapped, drained and exhausted of the living life source she is and the gift that she is to give to her family. She needs to refills, to nourish, to seek internal guidance, wisdom, insight for the love of her family.

She does not serve anyone well if she is exhausted from the nonstop need to be driven by the world and all it steals from the spirit of a mother. 

Mothers are a guiding light to the children and a steward of balance to their partner. When a woman is stripped down of time to pray for guidance, meditation, self-care, timing…when she is run ragged by the expectation of the world—our society will suffer from the imbalance of a woman teetering to gain the necessities to best serve her greatest loves…the family that she wholeheartedly yearns to give her best. (wrote this summing up what Marianne Williamson said in an interview—it was very powerful to me)


Marianne Williams

Oprah show

If the world changes in this way or that way…then I will be at peace

If the money comes, the job comes…

When we find peace then those things have an easier time happening. 

Peace of mind is not circumstance dependent. 

Peace of mind is an internal matter. 

We have faith in the negativity and frustration of this world. What we need is to draw our belief in the negativity and open the door to the belief that God has the power to break through any limitation, negativity and be open to infinite possibilities. 

No one grows in this world from a reality of love. We from a young age are bombarded by stimuli, thinking, patterns…everything but love. We grow being told you need to do a certain thing to be worthy, people are not their love, but their mistakes, their guilt…not enough resources…not enough love…but through spiritual practices…different paths…we unlearn those beliefs and begin to find love again


LOVES giving

Lotto winner gives SOO much away


Tiny notes from the Netflix movie,

A Tourists Guide to Love

A tourist wants to escape life.

A traveler wants to experience it. 

What’s so bad about wanting to occasionally escape your life?

You don’t know how long life is going to be, so why waste it on an escape.

Spend it on experience instead. 

Be open to new experiences..stinky fruit (jack fruit)tasted SOO good. 

Vietnamese traffic key—-always move forward…never back.

I know my limitations! I would have never done that (crossed the road w traffic)

So, don’t limit yourself!

Savoring the moment—closes his eyes. Takes a breath as he covers his heart and savors. 

New clothes for the new year—brings luck and prosperity. 

Wishing ritual with box candle on floating pond. 

I want experiences!! I want off the beaten path!

Fun to see food cooked and places in large leaf bowls. 

Spirits are always listening. Send a message. Pay your respects. 

Rituals from other countries. SOO cool. 

Inscence sticks prayed and stuck into the ground. Also burnt offerings to ask for the blessings from those on the other side. 


Repeat after me

When you get caught focusing on your weaknesses—-say

“I am a LEADER”



CREATE a personal mission statement that includes ways to apply your strengths & say or journal the statement every morning as you get ready. 


“Life is a mountain. Your goal is to find your path, not to reach the top.” -Maxime Lagace

Life’s journey is a rich one full of many opportunities and paths that lead to different destinations. Our goal should be to find the path that fits our desires, our direction, our internal compass.When we get to the point where we can hear guidance within, listen deeply to our greater needs, our life will thrive in the rich paths that take us to higher places and ultimately…home. -H


That is all I have for now. Life is in session…take good notes!!

Peace, LOve and Light to you. Shine with Brilliance. xoxo -H