Yay the Day!

Every DAY is a gift. Within each day is the sum of your LIFE, so it is imperative to take the time to enJOY what is in the daily treasures. Say YAY with each new day! Wake to the brilliance of a new day. Embrace the existence that is you. Follow your heart to the dreams that need you to bring them to life. Find glory and goodness among the paths you take. Seek to unravel the depths of your stories, your tangled lies that you tell yourself, and begin to see the beauty that only you are. In the day, take the walks that break you out of the mundane, listen to the whispers of insight, seek the well of hope within that helps you rise to be better, listen to the songs you sing to find the light, and take the time to find a quiet place. That is where the hidden gems are found.

Your duty to find something BEAUTIFUL within your days…your life. ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and this is very true. Some people can find beauty in their reflection, or a kitchen design, another can see a texture in a fabric and be taken by its beauty, someone else will find beauty in a natural light that dances off a lake or a lovely melody that plays on a movie soundtrack. Maybe your beauty is the smile of your child, the time spent on a walk with a friend or the giddy laughter of the one you love. There is so much beauty to behold and be charmed by. Life is full of the BEAUTIFUL if you but seek to find it. It is your duty to help you appreciate the beautiful life you are blessed to live.

Your day is in the daily LEARNING & GROWTH This can be a scary place to be. Most people just want the normal routine, the less complications the better outlook. BUT, your greatest moments will come from stepping out of the norm and jumping into life! I always tell my daughter, “If you are not growing, you are dying—in one way or another.” It only makes sense. If flowers are not growing, blooming, sharing the blossoms–they are wilting and dying. It is the way of life. We must move forward, challenge ourselves to learn new ways of doing things, grow higher as individuals to be able to become the best versions of ourselves. There is a great saying, “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown I love that! AND truthfully hate it 😉 because it makes you genuinely stop and acknowledge what difference did you really make today? We are NOT these people, but we have the opportunity to learn and grow and become a little closer to making our own, unique difference in the world—like those people. We all have our own learning and growing to do—live it!!

Your day should be the start of PUSHing YOURSELF beyond the muted norm. My daughter just started an art therapy journaling group at school. I have been worried about her being so hard on herself & wanted her to tap into a good outlet that can help teach and lead her to a higher place of expressing emotions and understanding herself better. After the group I asked her how it went. She was very anxious about attending. She is a person of serious routine, so she was not excited (to say the least). I was happy she went, honestly. Her reply, “It was actually nice. It was learning how to breathe & sigh & just collaging. There were a few others who were there and everyone was really nice. It was nice.” I was so relieved. Push yourself to try to go beyond your usual routines. Shake up the norm and challenge yourself in some way. Yay!

Your day is in the DETAILS of the happenings of your life. Take the time to Write highlights, life lessons, details from each day. Finish your a day w a few lines before bed…to read, see and understand the journey of your life. Get grateful by writing down at least five things from the day that you were grateful for. Begin a compliment notebook & get into the habit of writing down some of the nice compliments, actions or reactions you received from people in your life, strangers, smiles, etc. I was stopped at a street light in my car & my window was rolled down. The woman parked next to me at the light yelled, “hey, I like your hat.” I looked over & noticed she was talking to me. I smiled & told her, “Thank you, you just made my day”. She then proceeded to show me a hat she had in her van, “This is my favorite hat. It got me through a hard time of hair loss & it is a great hat.” I smiled, “that is wonderful. That is a cute hat.” She instantly put it on & I yelled back, “That hat looks so cute on you.” Just then the light changed. We smiled at each other and proceeded through the light. It was a sweet interaction with a complete stranger. I really smiled when I noticed a sticker on her car, “I hope something good happens to you today.” It was such a great sticker & I honestly felt soo lifted after the sweet connection. It was a definite highlight from my day. When you begin to notice the little details—they stick with you, especially if you take notice and write them down.

CREATIVITY is the heart to a higher place. I do believe that. There is a creator in every one of us and the way to bring out your divine riches is to seek ways to create. Whether you pen a poem, write lyrics, play music, paint, photograph, write your history, share an idea, create a play, design a tattoo, make a video…there are things within you that are waiting to be fulfilled. Even just doodling seems to bring ideas to life. There is a pathway from creativity that opens doors to other parts of yourself. Seek to bring those ideas to the surface and enJOY the process. Go out and make a mural or take a selfie with a street mural and share it, make a yummy dish to share with friends, write your favorite quote in your personal style and text something inspired to those you care about. Whatever makes your heart smile in creativity—share it! Seek to do SOMETHING—big or small–CREATE daily.

I LOVE Murals & the creativity, the color, the way inspiration is shared. Here was an article on Nice News about mural art

Mural Magic: 9 Artists Making Communities Stronger and Brighter, One Wall at a Time

Fulfilling the potential we have within

Do ONE thing daily that makes you FEEL YAY!! I did that. Yay! I accomplished that one big thing. YAY! I am one step closer to my dream. YAY! I can. YAY! I inspired someone with my words. YAY! Today was a good day.

Take time to do things you LOVE to do. Every person is different, so loving laundry may not be your thing. Loving gardening may be someone else’s sweet spot. Maybe you love to exercise and the feel goods you get. Maybe sports is your love & you make plans to watch your favorite teams. Maybe you just love spending time with your family. Maybe you love connecting with those you care about by phone each day. The things you LOVE are different for everyone. There is a whole big world full of so many colorful details, things to try, foods to experience, games to play, people to enjoy…LOVE is ongoing. Maybe you Love singing, learning, reading a good book, researching your next purchase for your beloved antique jewelry or nike shoe collection…everyone is different, but taking a little time each day to do something you LOVE…makes it a YAY DAY!

Take time to share the LOVE. Being of service, sharing your talents, doing kind deeds, sending love via snail mail, sharing a smile with a stranger…it all adds to a YAY DAY! I just went through my phone and copied a sticker that said, “I hope something good happens to you today” and texted it to a bunch of people in my contacts. People I have not seen or talked to in awhile—maybe even a year. People need to feel cared about and connected. Even just connecting through simple, small ways like a text lets them know you care and are thinking about them. Share some love in some small way. Help someone else have a YAY DAY!

Those are just a few ideas to help create a positive space for you to YAY your DAY! We all need to seek out the good, to get excited about the little things, to connect, to find the wins and the wonderfuls in our every day….they will all lead the way to YAYS every day.

Peace. Love and Light to you. xoxo. -H

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