So many beautiful ideas

“Things are beautiful if you love them.” -Jean Anouilh

There are so many beautiful ideas to pick from in the incredible life we get to live. We must find the beauty in the symbols of nature with its delicate details that beg us to notice or the intricate symmetry and equations that make up a simple shell and the divinity that is found in the smallest creations. We must love the beauty of flowers, the ancient wisdoms and continued celebrations of their meaning and depth. We must allow ourselves to appreciate the cultures from distant lands and find the sweetness in their words and stories. There are so many beautiful ideas…if we but look to seek, find, appreciate and love them. I sincerely hope you can find something you need here within these ideas. Peace. Love and Light to you. xoxo

“Just like the lotus we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.” – Unknown

Lotus flower is a beautiful symbol and I appreciate how Alex and Ani jewelry describe it:

The lotus flower has an otherworldly beauty that has the ability to transfix us. Its translucent petals seem lit from within, and it rises from murky waters to emerge untouched by any hint of the mud they’re rooted in. Small wonder that the lotus is often seen as a symbol of purity.

When people think of the lotus flower, they often think of a variety of ancient cultures, including Egyptian and Chinese history. In fact, for centuries, the lotus flower has been central to a number of beliefs and religions. 

If there were a timeless flower, it would be the lotus. There are lotus seeds in existence today that have been germinating for over ten centuries. An aquatic plant, these water beauties can expand up to ten feet horizontally. The lotus can grow anywhere from about three to six feet or higher with leaves that can span a foot or more.

And, even though the lotus grows from the mud, its fragrance is like the flower – sweet, delicate, and floral. The color of their petals can range from purest white to understated cream tones to vibrant jewel colors.

The lotus has a unique cycle, opening with the rising sun and closing its petals as the sun sets, submerging itself under the water to emerge clean and “reborn” each morning. But, what may even be more remarkable about this flower is its durability. Its seeds are able to create new plants even after thousands of years and the plants themselves can survive under many harsh climatic conditions such as being submerged under ice or blooming under extreme heat. While they prefer certain soils, these seemingly delicate flowers can thrive under a number of soil conditions. And, once mature, the lotus plant can live a long time with some species approaching the century mark.

I have always had a deep connection to the story of the lotus. It is an incredible symbol of growing through the dark. Finally seeing the sunlight after a storm. Being able to awaken after a loss or heartbreak. In the darkness is where the real growth begins. The lotus is a beautiful reminder to such moments. There are so many lessons of resilience, strength, struggle, power… from this simple, elegant flower. May you look at the lotus in a new light.

“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” -Leonard Cohen

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. It highlights the big, broken, beautiful imperfections rather than hiding them, and can make the piece more beautiful than before. A lovely metaphor for embracing our flaws.

‘Mono no aware’ is the Japanese philosophical root of it: Literally translates as ‘the aha-ness of things.’ The simultaneous sadness and joy at realizing the impermanence of life and objects. It is rooted in duality of actively being, bearing witness to the ‘being’ of other people, things, yourself, your feelings and experiences while having the knowledge that people, things and experiences do not last.–reddit, supercoolmaniac. ‘Mono’ means ‘thing’ or ‘things’; ‘aware’ means ‘feeling’ or sentiment, and the particle ‘no’ indicates something an object possesses. So mono no aware signifies the deep feeling or pathos of things, the powerful emotions that objects can evoke or instill in us. –school of life. Mono no Aware 物の哀れ (moh-no no ah-wah-ray), which roughly translates as “the sensitivity of things”. It refers to an awareness of the fragility of existence, an appreciation for it’s beauty and the gentle sadness of it’s passing. Well, I found a few variations of this idea, but I liked the overall meaning of “the sensitivity of things” because I can genuinely relate to this idea—and how things can come, go, be of value, be taken away and having the true experiences of it all. The almost, ebbs and flows of life and the things held within it. But, I also like the idea of ‘the aha-ness of things’—all beautiful ideas that make you stop, ponder and evaluate the power of ‘things’ in our lives. Where do we place the greater values? It makes you stop and think or to have an aha moment of what’s important. All good things 🙂 [see what I did there. haha]

Ikigai is the action we take in pursuit of happiness. It can be defined as the ‘feeling of being alive now and/or individual motivation for living.’ The pursuit of happiness has been written about, talked about, movies made, fables and folklore shared….forever. But, I think that is because it is a very important concept that cannot be written off. We need to be seeking daily those things that help us feel alive, right now & build on that daily in our overall pursuit of a life full of happiness.

Shinrin-yoku is Japanese for “Forest bathing”—I LOVE this idea of seeking to find a healthier balance by spending time in nature.There is science that even backs up how just seeing green spaces [even an image of nature] makes us healthier.

“The Whole Universe is based on rhythms. Everything happens in circles, in spirals.” -John Hartford

Spirals symbolize a variety of meanings like creation, change, evolution, cycles of life, the universe and our journey within it, the connection to the divine, expansions of divinity, the gradual way to the center…I genuinely think the depth of such a simple symbol is a beautiful reminder of the constant changes that life brings and our own way of finding a deeper, more meaningful and rich center for our lives. Every symbol, meaning, reminder…is a personal perspective and an opportunity to take what you want to hold to for your own unique guidance and inspiration.

“Seashells wash upon the shore like

smiles from the sea.”

Seashells can be a symbol of love, protection, creation…An open shell can provide a powerful metaphor for the transition from dating to intimate love. When we first meet a potential romantic partner, we often try to present a strong, beautiful exterior. Yet lasting love may require opening ourselves up to reveal the vulnerability and tenderness inside.

In Asia seashells are symbols of prosperity and good fortune. In other cultures they were worn or carried to bring good luck, protection, to ward off evil spirits and protect one from negative energy. For many American Indian groups seashells symbolize birth, renewal and creation.

This is a very thought provoking angle about shells, “With their birthplace being the salty ocean, each shell has been grown following a pattern of sacred geometry.” to think about the very creation of each shell pattern and the intricacy and perfect symmetry, angles, details, chemistry, etc. It is so humbling to look at any simple shell like that and not be in awe. Wow. That is nature for you—it seems there is always some sort of amazement and divine power at play.

Here is a link to a bunch of seashell quotes for your enJOY ment

“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine to the mind.” -Luther Burbank

Flowers have long been a universal symbol of so many beautiful meanings. Whether its the lotus or a rose there are a variety of flowers celebrated and sacred. In Hawaii, the lei is a cherished symbol of hospitality, love, and friendship.  In Japan, they have Cherry blossom festivals to celebrate the lovely, quick fading blossoms as a reminder of the impermanence of life. In Mexico, Marigolds take center stage hoping their vibrant colors with bring back loved ones during their Day of the Dead celebrations. In Ukraine, Sunflowers are given as a symbol of loyalty and are often exchanged between couples to show affection and commitment. Lavender brings calm & is often associated with romantic gestures. In Chinese circles, the peony represents wealth, prosperity, good fortune & are often included in weddings as a wish for a happy and prosperous union. In the western culture, red roses are a symbol of passion and love. [-some of the ideas here were taken from Medium article] Flowers are the sweet petals and fragrance of the wild places, the romantic gestures, the memories of lost loved ones, the wild flower walks you took as a child, the fragrant hint of a lovers cologne, the natural beauties that take us to so many places in our lives. Take some of these special meanings and gift them to someone you care about. Flowers are one of the sweetest gestures we can share. Bring someone a smile with a sunflower or a handpicked bouquet from the garden. Flowers share your care. Spread the love.

Ohanami literally means “flower viewing” and it’s used to describe gathering to enjoy and appreciate cherry blossoms. In Japan, cherry blossom viewing is a centuries-old tradition that is grounded in the idea that nothing is permanent, not even beautiful flowers. This is also known as Hanami. -MS*

b love . share kindness . b happy . do GOOD .

find the BEAUTY . enJOY the PURE LIFE

Pura vida: It means ‘pure life’ but has come to symbolise the simple, cheerful and care-free lifestyle the country is known for. It urges Costa Ricans (also known as Ticos) to not sweat the small stuff, to slow down and focus on what’s important. *.  Cheerful and care-free—those words remind me of my daughter, who happens to wear a shell bracelet by a company called Pura vida, so this is soo fitting and symbolic of a ‘pure life’—which my daughter, Kate means ‘Pure’ WOW! wonderful. LOVE that!

Niksen from the Netherlands, means–the art of doing nothing. This concept takes having a break to a whole new level. It’s about listening to your body and knowing when you need to recover and it’s a great idea for relieving stress. -MS* Take a moment today to STOP and do NOTHING.

Friluftswiv Norwegian “free air life” Coined relatively recently, in 1859, it is the concept that being outside is good for human beings’ mind and spirit. Who can argue with this concept!! Being outside is so good on so many levels, both physically and emotionally.

Lagom is a Swedish word that translates to “not too little, not too much”. Mainly, the Swedes are focusing on a balanced lifestyle. Sweden is well-known for their philosophy on moderation. Employees work six hours per day and are given the opportunity to pursue their passions with the extra time. This sense of balance reduces stress and anxiety and produces more joy. While it may not be possible to work a six-hour day and maintain your employment, there is something to be said for pursuing a balanced lifestyle. [taken from Genietraveler]. To see a culture that strives to give balance, especially through limiting their work hours per day and then giving them more time to pursue personal interests—brilliant!!

Craic from Ireland is all about having a good time with friends. -MS* Friends + Good times=priceless

Tri hita karana: from Bali has its own three pillar approach to a good life, elegantly named tri hita karana. A three pillar principle, meaning ‘three causes/ways to happiness’, it is concerned with three relationships: parhyangan (the relationship between a person and God), pawongan (the relationship between a person and their neighbours) and palemahan (the relationship between a person and nature). The trick is to find a happy harmony between all three*. It is a beautiful idea when a culture can have such an awareness of the greater needs and meaning within a life well lived. LOVE.

Greek Meraki: Meraki, which literally translated means ‘essence of ourselves’, is a concept of doing something with unbridled creativity and effort.*. I think if we could all ponder the deeper meaning of this idea and genuinely take a deeper look at the essence of who we are and what we want to contribute to the world, the world would awaken on a higher level with more of us fully moving towards the unbridled passion and direction of our inner selves. I strive for that!!

*these ideas:

Entrückt, Germany: Being entrückt is about being lost in thought and in your own mind. It’s about forgetting everything around you and daydreaming, being absentminded or even meditative. It’s about being calm and quiet and enjoying time alone. -MS* []. This sounds nice.

Estrenar, Spain: This is about using or wearing something for the first time. Think of the soft fluffiness of a new pair of sweatpants, or the whiteness of a new pair of socks, or the great feeling of wearing a new top on a night out with friends. -MS* Everyone loves new or even clean sheets, new socks, the confidence something new can create. It is a little bit of something great!

shh . “naps are nature’s way of reminding you that life is nice, like a beautiful swinging hammock strung between birth and infinity.”

-Peggy Noonan

Siesta, Spain: the idea of taking a 2-hour break in the middle of the day for a siesta, or nap, may seem preposterous. But this practice has been proven to relieve stress and recharge your mind, leading to greater happiness and wellbeing. -MS*. LOVE THIS. the power of naps can do great things and could possibly change the world for the better, right!? How can we implement this everywhere? haha. Who doesn’t LOVE a good nap? It begins with YOU. Take a good nap. xoxo

Flâner, France: is to stroll or potter around. If you’re in a rush, it’s not flâner. Instead, this means to take your time leisurely walking and observing the world around you. It’s about having no purpose. -MS* I was talking to my daughter’s friend who is an exchange student from France and he was explaining the meaning of this word—it was more of a ‘person who wanders and has no purpose.’ He was saying that in France it is not a great meaning, but then as we both talked he explained it further as ‘a well off person that seems to wander around wherever they want to go.’ We both laughed and said, “actually, I wouldn’t mind be a well off person who could wander and enjoy wherever they want to be in the world.” It was a fun understanding of how perspectives can vary–in any language. haha.

Lumineuse, France: to describe a person or place of light. This was another word from our French friend. He shared it is a beautiful word to describe someone that is a bright light, radiates sunlight.

Tetu, France: No matter what you are not going to change you.

Azart, Russia: Seeking the zeal of life. Finding passion and excitement – often from activities that would make many other cultures feel uncomfortable. Think about scary movies, or sky diving or rolling around in the snow after nice warm sauna. -MS*. Pushing your personal limits and within those outer boundaries finding the zest or zeal within the excitement. We all jump on many levels when we take any leap that is out of our comfort realm. It is always a good thing!

Keyif, Turkey: In Turkey, Keyif is all about practicing the art of quiet relaxation and living in the moment – like mindfulness. It’s about savouring the simple moments in life, spending some time alone and resetting. -MS*. I appreciate the idea to savor the simple moments, to take a moment and sincerely settle into feelings or environments or the quality time with another and especially the alone time with ones self. That is a beautiful thing.

Ubuntu, So. Africa: Ubuntu is practiced by the Bantu people across Africa. It’s a concept of common humanity and oneness. Think “I am because you are.” It acknowledges the power of togetherness and community. -MS*. I sincerely appreciate those cultures who have such a strong desire for togetherness and community. To see and celebrate our connection to one another, that idea of I am because of who you are—that is a greater gift to any community.


There are SOOO many beautiful ideas, words, concepts held within our world. I hope you can find some here that made you think, ponder, smile, and want to live the incredible practices and beliefs…I will keep posting all the beautiful things I can find. Life is too BEAUTIFUL. LOVE THAT. PEACE. LOVE and LIGHT. -H xoxo

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