Lessons learned from the movie Maleficent

Over the weekend I saw the movie Maleficent and wanted to share some thoughts on this movie. There may be a few spoilers, but I will do my best to not ruin the movie for you.

When I originally saw the trailer I thought it looked dark, a large presence of evil and my eleven-year-old daughter said, “it looks scary. I don’t want to see it.” I was not sure I wanted to see it, but I then heard it was a sweet tale, so my curiosity was peaked and we went to see it. I would describe it as a beautiful tale of true love and forgiveness, with a definite dark splash of heartache and anger, but understandably so. You see a very dark depiction of Maleficent, and you understand why, but there is a storyline that draws you in and you begin to fall in love with her character, from beginning to end.

What I took away from the movie:

1394820240_angelina-jolie-maleficient-zoomEverything is better when you heart is full of LOVE not HATE.

maleficent-poster-king-stefan-sharlto-copley-640x321Selfishness brings about a darker side in anyone and that will begin to consume all things.

mLooks can be deceiving. It is what is on the inside that matters most.

03-maleficentEvil resides in a heart full of hatred and anger. Be careful what you focus on, for in the world, it is easy to be consumed by such things.

o-MALEFICENT-570Be aware of the energy you carry. Your power can be used for good or bad. 

Maleficent-(2014)-214Trust is a gift. Be careful who you give it to. Give it to those your heart allows in & even in those moments go a little deeper.

1401309270000-MALEFICENT-REVIEW-FANNINGYou cannot hide true beauty. True Beauty comes from within.

MALEFICENTFriendship is a gift. A close friend is always a good thing. They can help you see beyond yourself.

Disney's MALEFICENTTrue LOVE’s kiss isn’t always what you think it will be.

Maleficent - Winged Angelina JolieA change of heart is freedom in and of itself.


Forgiveness & True Love are the biggest take aways from this movie.

Peace and Love to you. -Heather


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