365 New things to Learn


“The Constant Happiness is Curiosity.”  -Alice Munro




GOOD SNACKS     For energy: 2013 study, subjects reported a 38% decline in fatigue and a 31% increase in energy after eating 2 gold kiwis.  For Stress: the journal of the American College of Nutrition says nibbling on a handful of walnuts may help you keep your cool during anxiety inducing situations.   For Focus: drink a blueberry smoothie because it increases oxygen flow to the brain.   For Happiness: edamame might help beat the blues, thanks to the B vitamin folate.


SOME GREAT QUESTIONS: Do I examine my life enough?  Do I care too much about what people think?  What do I really want to do all day?  How do I want to be remembered?  Do I say YES enough?  Do I know how to say no?  What am I afraid of?  Am I strong enough?   Is there anyone I need to forgive?  Why are we here?  What do I know for sure?  Have I found purpose?  Who do you want to be?  What is working?


SOMETHING COOL: a BOOK, List of Note (Scribblings from famous people)  or a LINK, dailyoverview.nyc (satellite photos from the world)


SHH. SELF-ESTEEM BOOSTER: This one will surprise you. Do something—anything—and keep it a secret. Today, do something alone—just for you, by yourself—in the middle of nowhere, in a hidden place or out in the world, with no one else around. You can make art, do a performance or an action, dance, or make a site specific installation. Or you can scribble an unspeakable dream on a piece of paper and tuck it somewhere no one will ever find it. Or you can jot down a note and burn it or you can walk a labyrinth. Honor your secret moment, whatever it looks like. Let it percolate. Don’t tell your spouse or best friend about it. Don’t tell your parents or children. Don’t tweet. instagram. Facebook it or blog about it—ever. Just be alone with it. Feel it. It is yours. -From The Little Spark: 30 ways to ignite your creativity by Carrie Bloomston (O Aug 2015)


WHAT GIVES YOU JOY? “Joy is about relaxing into a realm where you aren’t controlling anything”  -Sarah Gundle, clinical psychologist          To find out what brings you Joy, ask yourself: Is this activity just for me? Does it yield external results or internal harmony? Whether its taking nature walks or listening to music Gundle says, make time to accomplish absolutely nothing.   (O Aug 2015)


SIGHT-SAVERS: Kids should go outside to play. 2 studies show spending time outside can help protect your kids vision. The journal of Opthalmology, kids who spent their recess outdoors were significantly less likely to need glasses the next year than those who were indoors. A Danish study found that exposure to daylight slowed changes in the eye that can lead to nearsightedness.  -(BH&G)


TUNE UP YOUR BRAIN: Feeling sluggish this morning? Cue up an upbeat song. In a study from Britains Northumbria University, people were more alert and finished tasks more quickly when they listened to a fast-paced concerto than a slower melody or silence.  (BH&G)