Celebrate being YOU



physed-happiness-facebookJumbo13381288_1749056525362494_2133778461_nThere will NEVER be another YOU. You were meant to shine, to shimmer with a light that only you can glow. There is not another smile like yours; not another heart that beats to your calling; not another person who holds your purpose. You are an original in a world full of people trying to be like everyone else. How do we lose sight of our unique beauty? How do we forget the deeper part of us that longs to change the world in some way? How do we fall asleep to the song that our soul yearns for us to hear? There is only one of you & you must awaken to find that spark that lights you up, the reminder of your distant dream that holds onto you and doesn’t let go, in hopes that you will remember. You are a beautiful original that was made to do amazing things.  CELEBRATE THAT!!


“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life forever.”  -Amy Poehler

My sixteen-year-old daughter just got home from a leadership camp this past week. She was surrounded by 140 other teens from all over the state that were sponsored and chosen to represent their school. It was an honor and privilege that she was able to go. The greatest thing was hearing how a group of people can get together, challenge and inspire one another and then seek to bring that same awareness to others. My daughter was lit up by the experience & when she got home, she immediately sought out the information to try and help out with the camp next year. When you get around others who light you up & push you to be your self–Life changing!



be-yourself-let-people-see-your-flaws-quote-5-1The morning of my daughter’s leadership camp she was feeling nervous, anxious, didn’t want to go, extremely moody and grumpy. My husband and I looked at one another & hoped she would make it a good experience. The first night she called us, she lit up, “I am being myself!” She explained how she had not been able to truly be herself at other camps, but at this one she felt completely authentic and was making it a great experience. She had an even better time because she was being who she was meant to be.


“Celebrate what you want to see more of.”  -Tom Peters

Give yourself a little WOOT-WOOT for doing something that CELEBRATES what you want more of in your life. In the past couple of weeks, with summer in full swing, I wanted to do more hiking & getting up into the mountains. Getting up earlier to beat the heat is hard, but my soul sings being in nature. We need to push ourselves to do things that help us take better care of ourselves both physically and mentally. Celebrate the small wins.

Self-Love: CELEBRATE the things that make you, YOU! Are there physical features you appreciate? Do you find yourself grateful for your smile & the way it lights up a room. Are you grateful that your body can move & you don’t take that for granted. Make a list of things you love and are grateful for about beautiful YOU. Put them on post-its and cover your mirror or make a gratitude list to say thank you for the way you are. CELEBRATE YOU.

Do things that make you come alive: This morning while I was out walking with my family, we came across a huge field & the grasses were so high (probably four feet tall). I instantly wanted to run through the field and get a pic standing in the high grass. I jumped into the field and posed for a shot. I felt alive. I know it may seem small, but even small things give your heart big feelings of joy!! It made me so happy.

Little things: CELEBRATE you by giving yourself a little time to do something YOU want to do. You are always running here and there, taking care of everyone else. Do something that sings to your heart. It could be a simple bubble bath, a good book or a walk outside. Do some little things that feel big to you.

Find a beautiful treasure: CELEBRATE you by seeking out something that is authentically you. I LOVE going to thrift shops or antique stores to find a fun treasure that speaks to me in some way. I have found unique picture frames, old, vintage cameras, a stone dove…little treasures that are truly me. They adorn my home and when I see them, I feel connected. They are like little, personal messages that say…”Be free. FLy” when I look at my simple white bird sculpture or “You are an original” like a tiled frame that doesn’t have a match. Little treasures can speak to the soul and we need those little celebrations.

Take yourself out: Whether there is a movie you have wanted to see or a spa treatment you have wanted to try…OR..maybe you wanted to take a photo class or visit a museum. Take yourself out & do something for you. CELEBRATE the things you enjoy in life. You deserve the date and time to show yourself a little love.

Hope these ideas have given you something to think about. CELEBRATE YOU—your uniqueness, your needs, your time, your gifts, your one, unique and beautiful life. It is all yours to enjoy and find gratitude in. Make it. CELEBRATE IT!!

The following really resonated with me—I often find myself needing to give myself a little extra…ed9ce0950d091f2ac2fc396f4237382e

-Love and Happiness to you.  -H